Apr 1, 2021 • View in browser
After Decades of Selling New Media Art, Gallerist Steven Sacks Offers His Take on NFTs
Since 2001, Bitforms Gallery founder Steven Sacks has been exhibiting and selling digital art (though he hates that term) and building an audience and support network for artists working with new media.
After Sara Ludy, one of the artists Bitforms Gallery regularly exhibits, told Hyperallergic about her plans to negotiate new more equitable contracts for any NFT she sells, I decided to speak to Sacks to hear about his experience during this pandemic period when NFTs dominate many mainstream conversations about online and digital art. He talks to me about selling art, how things have evolved, and what he expects from this new wave of change. Galleries, Sacks suggests, will always be relevant.
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Previous Episodes
Lindsay Howard Talks About the Burgeoning Market for NFTs
The World of NFTs, Explained by Digital Artist Addie Wagenknecht
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