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Detroit resident Tim England began filming on his smartphone last week when his volatile neighbor appeared to be acting strangely toward Meatball, a 98...
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Wanted: Adventurers with a willingness to save the world. Sounds like the best job posting ever, right? Against all odds, it's also completely real as a...
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Jacob became blind at just six months old, but it hasn't slowed him down one bit!
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In a press release last month, the Department of Agriculture announced its proposal for a new regulation which aims to bring healthy foods to poorer...
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Tell President Obama: Nominate Michelle Alexander As the Next Supreme Court Justice!
signatures: 30913
created by: Sean J. Rosenthal
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In 2013, the United Nations General Assembly declared that March 3 would be recognized as World Wildlife Day to celebrate all of the plants and animals we...
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Barely a week goes by without a mass shooting in America. Each incident adds to the grim tally, yet little is done about gun control. As some point out,...
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As unbelievable as it may sound, the emoji you use in your texts or social media posts could potentially end up being debated in court. As more and more...
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March is National Adopt Rescued Guinea Pigs Month. In honor, here are a few reasons people should give the adorable creatures a second chance.
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What do you do when illegal poachers keep hunting during the offseason? Place undercover taxidermy robots to bust them, of course.
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Nearly three decades ago, Michelle-Lael Norsworthy was sent to prison for killing a man in a barroom brawl. Now, after a long battle, she has won a...
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Last Saturday, February 27, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) held a rally in Anaheim, California, and within a short time, three people had been stabbed and 13...
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Metropolis Farms is not only the first indoor hydroponic vertical farm in Philadelphia, it's the first vegan-certified farm in the nation and the only...
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With just eight justices currently serving on the Supreme Court – and four of them liberal - it will be impossible for SCOTUS to make a precedent...
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