Care2 Causes

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Stella has spent the last two years locked in a 3-by-9 foot cage in a kennel in Devon, England. She has never been let out to exercise or play. In 2014,...
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Javi the cockatoo experienced such severe neglect that she plucked most of her feathers out. Now, a caring home and warm sweaters bring her comfort as she...
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In the United States, rabbits are classified as "poultry." They're considered birds. Birds, including chickens and turkeys, are excluded from the only two...
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Happy Women's History Month! Things have changed since last year's month-long celebration. Some of them were terribly frustrating (just Google anything...
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'Friendly Room' Facilities for Breastfed and Bottle Fed Babies in St. Helens
signatures: 28072
created by: Colleen Halsall
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Among the many hard-won initiatives of the Obama Administration was the creation of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, which was championed by...
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If you’ve ever fought for a cause, you and I have a lot of things in common. For example, we both know what it’s like to go out on a limb for...
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New figures on the number of people shot by the LA Police Department during 2015 appear to show that more than one-third had mental health issues–a...
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UN Peacekeepers in the Central African Republic are under fire after reports of their systematic sexual abuse of women and children came to light....
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Human Rights Watch has issued a scathing indictment of the continued use of "virginity exams" in Afghanistan. Supposedly conducted in the name of science,...
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