Plus, the state of the music industry today, and more...

May 27, 2021
The Lies Cops Tell and the Lies We Tell About Cops
The deception isn’t just a matter of language. It’s baked into the institution.
by Stuart Schrader
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I am a fan of “Hillbilly Elegy”—even the movie!—but I can no longer admire the plutocratic fraud that its author has become.
by Timothy Noah
Newt Gingrich’s team-up with the former president seeks to ignite the spirit of ’94, but only shows how far the GOP has retreated from governance.
by Matt Ford
Everyone streams music. Musicians make pennies. Is Spotify to blame?
The Politics of Everything hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene


The Washington governor and climate darling vetoed a measure requiring tribal consent for projects on sacred sites. It was a striking betrayal.
by Nick Martin
The e-commerce giant covets the Hollywood studio’s sweet, sweet cache of intellectual property.
by Alex Shephard
In her fiction, she questioned every social and sexual arrangement.
by Stephanie Burt




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