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Top Stories

A round up of the most popular news stories this week.

  Police Scotland has been accused of secrecy over hate crime training material  
Police Scotland has been accused of secrecy over hate crime training material
Remember when Scots not supporting England sparked a constitutional crisis?
Remember when Scots not supporting England sparked a constitutional crisis?
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Take a deep dive into the Scottish housing market in new Property Podcast
The first edition of our new Scotsman Property podcast is now available, made in partnership with DJ Alexander.

Promoted by DJ Alexander
Why have abortion numbers increased again to record levels in Scotland?
Why have abortion numbers increased again to record levels in Scotland?
TV election debates and interviews show leaders refusing to have a real conversation
TV election debates and interviews show leaders refusing to have a real conversation
Left ‘in agony’ – why Scottish women are being forced to travel to England for abortion healthcare
Left ‘in agony’ – why Scottish women are being forced to travel to England for abortion healthcare
Scottish arts organisations braced for harsh cuts as exodus of talent already underway
Scottish arts organisations braced for harsh cuts as exodus of talent already underway
How opponents are battling to topple SNP’s Joanna Cherry in key Edinburgh seat
How opponents are battling to topple SNP’s Joanna Cherry in key Edinburgh seat

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