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Police Urge Caution After Luxury Car Thefts In Suburbs
Reports of luxury car thefts are on the rise in the Philadelphia suburbs, including in the Doylestown area, where a Range Rover was stolen...
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By 2018, PA License Not Valid ID For Boarding Airplane, Homeland Security Says
Pennsylvania is one of five states still out of compliance with federal ID requirements passed in 2005...
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Politics & Government
Bucks County Man Now In Top 5 Of Kelly Ripa Co-Hosting Contest
A Bucks County resident is now one of five finalists in a contest to co-host alongside Kelly Ripa on "Live With Kelly."..
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Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce
Do you have the ability to "think outside the box"...
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Moon Township
Attention Commuters! The Park and Ride lot at Thorn...
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'Stop Whining,' President Obama Advises Donald Trump
Obama says Trump is "whining before the game's even over" with claims of voter fraud and rigged elections...
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Robert Morris Women's Lacrosse
Colonial Classic set for this Sunday! Come out and...
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Flu Season: 10 Things Everyone Needs to Know This Year
Doctors continue to recommend getting a flu shot this year, but the nasal spray vaccine is no longer advised...
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A Plus School of Driving LLC
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