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Hello Friend,

What a wild ride the last two years have been.

President Biden’s policies have:

  • Run inflation up to a 40-year high.
  • Crushed small businesses with mandates.
  • Torn families apart with ridiculous health policies.
  • Left a generation of children behind in school.

We CAN NOT take another two more years of this incompetence.

The state-level is where we see the most pushback against federal tyranny. 

The states are fighting back—and Operation Win at the Door (OWD) is a big part of the fight.

Operation Win at the Door’s mission is to build a bench of 250 liberty legislators across the country by the end of 2022. 

We’re close to meeting our goal of growing our coalition of state reps to 250.

Friend, there is still a major threat to our liberties. 

The federal government is fighting to increase its power every day. Can you help us fight for our liberties? Click here to donate $20.22, $50, $100, or any amount!

Here's how OWD works. 

We train thousands of college students and young adults at our conferences throughout the year. There, they learn the basics of activism and political advocacy. 

We then recruit and refer hundreds of trained activists to the fight for liberty.  These activists deploy to key districts around the country to support hardcore liberty legislators. They go on to knock on doors, make phone calls, and do the hard work to help elect liberty-minded candidates.

And, Friend, this works.


During the 2020 elections, OWD activists:
  • Contributed to 123 Wins 
  • Total Doors: 1.5 million 
  • Total Calls: 2,288,269
  • Total ID Texts: 75,428
  • Total Mailers: 540,976
  • 72 wins in Counties Biden carried 
So far, we have a coalition of 218 hardcore liberty legislators located in 37 states.

During the Covid pandemic, we saw an unprecedented threat to our liberties.

Families weren’t allowed to hug each other. 

Children were forced to wear masks in schools.

Churches were closed down because they were “non-essential.”

But OWD activists wouldn’t stand for it. 

The legislators in our coalition and OWD activists bring about real change to everyday life.

We’ve helped pass Constitutional Carry in seven states.

We’ve defended freedom of speech on the campuses of 1.57 million college students every year.

And we’ve defeated unconstitutional COVID mandates.

Friend, do NOT write off 2022 as an easy “red wave”. 

The key will always be state elections and making sure there are enough well-trained boots-on-the-ground activists available to help elect pro-liberty legislators. 

Can you support these pro-liberty legislators and activists? Click any button below to donate. 


Thank you for passing the torch of liberty on to the next generation, Friend.

Lauren Daugherty
Young Americans for Liberty, Inc.

Young Americans for Liberty, Inc. is a nonprofit organization formed under 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions or gifts to Young Americans for Liberty, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. No goods or services are given in exchange for any contribution.