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Ransomware and DevOps


A scary topic and one that is apparently more common than I suspected. Before you go further, if you haven't restored a database backup in the last month, stop and go verify your DR plan works. That's one of the overconfident issues facing lots of government and businesses. While this might not help your entire organization, at least you'll have some confidence in your process.

This is a great article from Ars Technica and worth reading: A take of two cities: Why ransomware will just get worse. I'd recommend you read it and think about a few things. First, do you have insurance because things (substitute your own word here) happen? Second, have you really tested a DR plan for some sort of software issue like this? You might think about a way to restore systems in an air-gapped manner that prevents them from re-triggering encryption from a remote source, or maybe even in a scenario where you reset dates/times to prevent timer triggered issues.

Perhaps the bigger issue is are you actually patching and updating systems? Too many organizations can't, don't, or won't. The former means you aren't sourcing software properly. Either you're using vendors with poor practices or have a poor development process. Organizations that don't or won't bother prioritizing patching, especially security issues, are likely those that will have issues as more criminals find ransomware and other ways of attacking their systems. Software and environments continue to be more complex, which means that the less you ensure the system is patched, the more likelihood there is of a vulnerability in your environment.

DevOps and the cloud PaaS/SaaS platforms are attractive for a few reasons. One is that the platforms are constantly kept up to date, forcing you to move along with them. SaaS cloud vendors know this and are constantly patching and updating their software in order to keep it running. DevOps asks that we always have the ability to release, that we have the ability to patch on demand, not only at certain intervals. This is something I try to emphasize when talking about DevOps. It isn't necessarily about velocity, but it is about being able to release when you need to, whether that's today or next month. This is especially important for security issues.

I have had hope for a long time that insurance would drive software to higher quality, and I still do. With the attacks and issues of ransomware, and who knows what other techniques that will be developed, I still believe more companies will buy insurance. I then hope, because of selfish motives, the insurance companies will require frequent patching, regular vendor certification of new platform versions, and better development processes. If insurance drives DevOps, I'm all for it, but I'd prefer to decide to adopt it yourself and start making changes today.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Politics makes for bad databases - plus calculate British holidays

RevOX11 from SQLServerCentral

In this piece, learn about changes in UK holidays and get a script to calculate them.

10 steps you can take to be compliant worldwide – free whitepaper

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Learn how data protection legislation is changing around the world and the 10 steps database teams can take to ensure compliance and defend against data breaches.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Know How to Restore SQL Database Without Backup Easily

gana20m from Ganapathi's MSSQLLover

 Restore SQL Database Without Backup -Step By Step Guide 
Microsoft SQL server is one of the best and the widely used relational database management system. The primary function of this...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Getting Your SQL Server Backup Footprint

John Morehouse from John Morehouse |

Recently, I needed to be able to determine the total size for all the most recent full backups for certain servers. Luckily for me these particular servers were using...


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Running a Docker Container

I want to practice working with SQL Server in a container for my development machine. Which of these variables must I specify when I execute the docker run command?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

The CUME_DIST ranking

I have this code in SQL Server 2017:

WITH myTally(n) AS (SELECT n = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT null)) FROM (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)) a(n) CROSS JOIN (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)) b(n) ) SELECT TOP 100 n INTO Rank100 FROM myTally; 

I want to execute this code to get the number and the CUME_DIST ranking.


What is the value returned for n = 10

Answer: 0.1

Explanation: The CUME_DIST() function returns the ranking as a percentage. For 100 values, the 10th item is 10%, or 0.1. Ref:

Discuss this question and answer on the forums


Featured Script

Look up AD user properties using powershell

SQLPals from SQLServerCentral

I realize that this is a bit of a lengthy script for something that you can use a one liner in the power shell:



But I needed to highlight certain properties of given user and take certain actions based on the values. And the result is this power shell script.


Import-Module Activedirectory

# we will grab current domainuser if no specific user or domain is specified

$domain_name = ""
$username = ""

if ($username -eq "") {$username = $env:UserName}

"User Name: " + $username


if ($domain_name -eq "") {$domain_name = (Get-ADDomain).Name}

"Domain: " + $domain_name

$domain_controller = (Get-ADDomainController -Discover -DomainName $domain_name).HostName

"Domain Controller: " + $domain_controller

$domain_FQDN = (Get-ADDomain $domain_name).DNSRoot
"Domain FQDN: " + $domain_FQDN

$domain_DN = (Get-ADDomain $domain_name).DistinguishedName

"Domain Distinguished Name: " + $domain_DN

# lets look up the user in the AD
$get_aduser = Get-ADUser -Server $domain_FQDN -Properties * -Filter {sAMAccountName -eq $username}
If ($get_aduser -eq $Null)


"Attention: User $username not found in AD domain $domain_FQDN"

Else {"SUCCESS: User $username exists in AD domain $domain_FQDN"}

"Is password expired? " + $get_aduser.PasswordExpired
"Is user enabled? " + $get_aduser.Enabled
"Is user Locked Out? " + $get_aduser.LockedOut

$group_membership = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $username

"Group Membership:"

# now display all user properties


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SQL Server 2017 - Development
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SQL Server 2016 - Administration
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SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
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SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
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