It’s unacceptable for senators to ignore their constituents.
Free Press Action
Tell the Senate to Save the Net


“Dead on arrival.”

That’s how the Senate’s obstructionist-in-chief, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, described the Save the Internet Act’s chances in the Senate.1

It’s no secret that there’s overwhelming public support across the political spectrum for real Net Neutrality. In fact, the Save the Internet Act would do the same thing as the Net Neutrality Congressional Review Act resolution — which the Senate passed in 2018 in a bipartisan vote.

Sen. McConnell is putting politics over your civil rights. Urge Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris to listen to their constituents and pass the Save the Internet Act without delay.

Net Neutrality is a critical civil-rights issue. Without a free and open internet, companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon can block or slow down whatever websites or content they feel like. And this isn’t hyperbole. These companies have done it before2 and — in the absence of strong open-internet rules — will do it again.

While McConnell holds a lot of power over the Senate, that power isn’t absolute. Senators need to hear loud and clear that Net Neutrality is one of their constituents’ top priorities — and failing to act will carry consequences.

It’s unacceptable for senators to outright ignore their constituents’ wishes. Tell Sens. Feinstein and Harris to pass the Save the Internet Act today.

Thanks for all that you do—

Heather, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Net Neutrality is partisan only in Washington, D.C. Tell your senators to listen to their constituents — not cable lobbyists.

1. “McConnell: Net Neutrality Bill 'Dead on Arrival' in Senate,” April 9, 2019, The Hill:

2. “Net Neutrality Violations: A Brief History,” Free Press Action, Jan. 24, 2018:

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