The new year doesn't wipe away ongoing challenges, so leaders must continue to be resilient, compassionate, consistent and encouraging to help employees be inspired and motivated, writes Julie Winkle Giulioni. "Leaders who train their eyes to find and celebrate the positive inspire the same in those around them," she writes.
When a new leader takes the helm of an organization, they can sometimes be tempted to make sweeping changes. This article extols the virtues of doing the opposite: making small tweaks.
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Companies want to keep their best talent as long as possible, but ineffective onboarding can make this difficult. Here are six suggestions to make onboarding as employee-friendly as possible.
Companies could save about $11,000 a year per worker if they adopt a hybrid remote work model, according to Global Workplace Analytics. Employees who partially telecommute could save about $3,000 a year in expenses.
Houseflies possess a special set of wings that helps them avoid fly swatters. While all fly species have these hindwings, only houseflies and blowflies use them to help them take off five times more quickly than other species, though researchers are not yet sure why. Of course, you could always try nabbing that fly with chopsticks.