The Guardian

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  Polly Toynbee and David Walker: The end of austerity?
Wednesday 1 April, 7pm–8.30pm
Kings Place, London

Polly Toynbee and David Walker will talk to Guardian social policy editor, Patrick Butler, about their new book, The Lost Decade.

The ten years from 2010 have been devastating. A decade of austerity and paralysis nurtured contempt for leaders, institutions and fellow citizens and fertilised the ground for a rebellious Brexit. It has been a decade characterised by national tragedies from Grenfell to Windrush, and food banks to the property crisis. After the 2019 election, Prime Minister Boris Johnson pronounced the end of austerity, and pledged to “level up” the UK economy. But are new spending pledges enough to make up for what has been lost?

Join them as they discuss what must be done to repair the damage to our public services and communities, as well as some developments which could point to a brighter future.

The climate emergency: Your questions answered Doyle

Monday 17 February
Kings Place, London

Hong Kong: A democracy under threat?

Monday 24 February
The Guardian, London

Labour leadership hustings: Manchester

Tuesday 25 February
Manchester Central, Manchester

The Middle East after Suleimani: What happens next?

Thursday 5 March
The Guardian, London

Ethical consumption: Should we change how we eat?

Monday 16 March
Conway Hall, London

Hostile environment: The myths about immigration

Wednesday 18 March
Kings Place, London
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