in this issue, March 22, 2016 View it in your browser.

Pony, Spring WebSocket, ASP.NET WebHooks, WebAssembly Preview, Chaos Testing of Microservices, LeSS, Watson Cognitive APIs, Google Maglev

Engineering the Red Planet

In 2012, The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission landed a 2000 lb rover, the size of a compact car, to explore the planes of Mars. One of the most challenging aspects of the mission, from an engineering perspective, was safely landing the rover on the surface. Dr. Sengupta will talk about the motivation for Mars exploration and the challenges of landing on a planet over 500 million kilometers from Earth.



How Application Intelligence Powers Digital Transformation. Learn how the rise of digital business has transformed the connection between business and IT in today’s enterprise initiatives. Read the EMA Report.

InfoQ eMag: Designing Your Culture

This eMag brings together a number of articles that explore ways to consciously design your culture, how to nurture and grow attitudes of craftsmanship and professionalism in teams, how to create places which are great to work in that get great outcomes, and how to make a profit. (eMag)

Development Latest Content


Beyond Lists

Phillip Trelford shows through live demos data structures that are orders of magnitude more performant than lists. (Presentation)



A Skeptics Guide to Continuous Delivery: The Culture of Dev/Ops Collaboration - Learn about the cultural issues that can present challenges between teams and should at the very least be considered when helping your organization get on board the continuous delivery train. Learn more.

Java Latest Content


Beyond Page Objects: Next Generation Test Automation with Serenity and the Screenplay Pattern

Automated acceptance testing reduces time wasted in manual testing and bug fixing, and when combined with Behaviour-Driven Development, can guide development effort. But it requires skill, practice and discipline. The Screenplay Pattern helps teams address these difficulties and is where you may end up by mercilessly refactoring Page Objects using SOLID design principles. (Article)

From Zero to Hero with Spring WebSocket

Sergi Almar presents how to progressively enhance a traditional Spring MVC application with real-time functionalities for a more interactive and engaging user experience. Starting by adding server push notifications with Server-sent Events (supported in the new Spring 4.2) he then moves to a bidirectional messaging communication style with WebSockets. (Presentation)

Testing your Spring Boot Application with Selenium

Mathilde Lemee presents a live-demo based session and covers the best practices, patterns and tools that help one deliver a solid web application with Selenium. (Presentation)

The Ghosts of Java Past, Present and Yet to Come

Steve Elliott covers the evolution of how Java came to be what it is today including some lesser known history, and takes a look at the current roadmap of Java going forwards. (Presentation)



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.NET Latest Content


Creating a Rainstorm Using Infrared and C#

Lisa Taylor shares the story of programming trial and error. Using C#, JavaScript, pixels and bitmaps, loops and infrared light she created a digital rainstorm inside a shipping container. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

Will WebSocket survive HTTP/2?

HTTP/2 is poised to eliminate much of the waste that developers deal with. Multiplexed connections will eliminate the need to bundle JavaScript libraries together. But is HTTP/2 a panacea to all our problems? What about WebSocket? Allan Denis tells us what HTTP/2 is good at and debunks some myths about what it can do. (Article)

Comparing Hot JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS, Ember.js and React.js

Matt Raible explores the various features of the three hottest JavaScript MVC frameworks: AngularJS, Ember.js and React.js. Raible also compares client-side templating vs. server-side templating and how well each framework supports isomorphic JavaScript (code that can run both client-side and server-side). (Presentation)

Mobile Latest Content


How Facebook Designed its Android App for Emerging Markets

In order to fulfill its vision of connecting the Earth, Facebook has designed its Facebook Lite app for Android to make it optimized for use in emerging markets, Facebook engineer Gautam Roy explained. (News)

Architecture & Design Latest Content

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

Anti-Patterns Working with Microservices

The main problem with monolithic applications is that they are hard to scale, in terms of the application, but more importantly, in terms of the team. The main reason for a switch to microservices should be about teams, Tammer Saleh claimed at the recent QCon London conference when describing common microservices anti-patterns and solutions he has encountered. (News)

Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

Living Values: A Company Imbued with Spirit

Helen Walton interviews Places for People, this year’s winner of the Spark Award. By putting people at the heart of how the company operates, Places for People creates a highly innovative culture with an inspirational purpose that delivers outstanding business results. (Article)

Change from Within: Developers and Managers Working Together

InfoQ interviewed Bryan Dove from Skyscanner about the major technology developments from the last 10 years and the impact these have had on the way that we are creating software products. InfoQ also asked him what managers and developers can do to explore and find better ways of working together and how they can support each other, making themselves and the company more successful. (Article)

Go On, Say Yes, And…

Jeanine Spence explores the customer centric and iteration concepts of Design Thinking as an approach to problem solving through the lens of the personal. Spence presents 5 ways to put these techniques into practice and start to innovate with you at the center. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

Why Building the Right Thing Means Building the Thing Right

Liz Keogh takes a look at why experimentation underpins everything done in technology, and why it is necessary to be able to move and change the right thing. (Presentation)

Tap into Greatness

Sarah Singer-Nourie shares the secrets to optimizing and upgrading your own default settings, choosing your impact and tapping into your energy, to step into the optimal version of yourself every time. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

LeSS of a Story: An Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)

Bas Vodde introduces the LeSS framework, how it was created and how it works. (Presentation)

Collaborative Development: DevOps is Not Enough

Jim Benson notices that some organizations keep their silos and have even created a DevOps one, suggesting that what is needed is a UXDevQAOPS group or simply Collaborative Development. (Presentation)

Data Science Latest Content


Spark in Action Book Review & Interview

In the "Spark in Action" book, authors Petar Zecevic and Marko Bonaci discuss the Apache Spark framework for data processing (batch and streaming data use cases). They introduce the architecture of Spark and core concepts such as Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs). InfoQ spoke with the authors about Apache Spark, developer tools, and the upcoming features and enhancements in the future releases. (Article)

NET Machine Learning: F# and Accord.NET

Alena Hall presents various machine learning algorithms available in Accord.NET - a framework for machine learning and scientific computing in .NET. Hall also takes a look at sample types of problems to see how we can apply machine learning algorithms using the Accord.NET framework with the F# functional approach. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

DevOps Latest Content


Google Maglev: A Load Balancer on Commodity Servers

A group of engineers from Google, UCLA, and SpaceX are presenting the paper "Maglev: A Fast and Reliable Software Network Load Balancer" at the 13th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '16) taking place this week. Maglev is Google's network load balancer. (News)