5G projected to surpass 190M subscriptions globally by end of 2020; How to set up Emergency Sharing on a Google Pixel device
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Popular mobile banking apps are riddled with security flaws, and Android users are more at risk

A study of banking apps for iOS and Android found poor source code protection, cleartext storage of sensitive data, and other serious flaws that make it easy for attackers to break into accounts.

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5G projected to surpass 190M subscriptions globally by end of 2020

How to set up Emergency Sharing on a Google Pixel device

The digital divide: Not everyone has the same access to technology

Most Americans say 'No' to coronavirus contact tracing apps

Remote working: This company is using fitness trackers and AI to monitor workers' lockdown stress

Apple: Our App Store supports half a trillion dollars in sales

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Social media policy

The use of social media to promote company business, provide customers with announcements and information, present upcoming milestone dates and otherwise interact with the public is now commonplace among organizations. From the smallest one-person shop to the largest multinational corporation, just about every company striving to turn a profit has a social media presence. This social media policy from TechRepublic Premium applies to all employees, contractors, business partners, and other parties responsible for using social media in accordance with performing business duties for the organization.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Microservices: The foundation of tomorrow's enterprise applications

Microservice architecture has the potential to pick up where service-oriented architecture (SOA) left off, making application development faster, more scalable, and more flexible. But as with SOA, some doubt microservices can live up to their promise. We help CIOs sort out the fact from fiction.

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