Stansberry Research founder Porter Stansberry first hired me a decade ago... It was not long after he released his famous "End of America" documentary in 2011, detailing how our elected leader's reckless spending would eventually cause the U.S. dollar to lose its privileged position as the world's reserve currency.

Dear Reader,

Stansberry Research founder Porter Stansberry first hired me a decade ago.

It was not long after he released his famous "End of America" documentary in 2011, detailing how our elected leader's reckless spending would eventually cause the U.S. dollar to lose its privileged position as the world's reserve currency.

Well, on Tuesday, July 30, Porter is returning for a single day to share a critical update to that story.

I remember how odd it seemed that many mainstream news outlets attacked him for pointing out the government's ignorance of basic math.

Forbes called it "economic commentary filled with lurid fantasies about imminent collapse."

Fortune called Porter a "Doomsayer."

And U.S. News & World Report called him a "conspiracy theorist."

But as the saying goes, that didn't age well.

Today, everyone from Elon Musk...

"Bond King" Jeffrey Gundlach, and even Stanley Druckenmiller have issued similar warnings...

Yet Porter saw it all happen over a decade in advance...

Long before Fitch Ratings downgraded the United States' credit rating.

And long before our elected officials managed to pile on ANOTHER $20 trillion in additional debt.

Yet, I've never seen Porter more worried about the market than he is today.

As you may know, Porter set out to change the world of independent financial research in 1999 with a borrowed laptop in a rundown apartment in Baltimore...

With a goal to provide honest investment research – no matter how controversial – to everyday Americans.

In 2000, he predicted the dot-com bust...

He told his readers to buy at the bottom in October 2002, just before a 5-year bull run...

And he called the top in February 2007, just before the global financial crisis...

But today, Porter isn't simply worried about our mounting debts.

He's sharing a story that could impact the portfolio of millions of Americans in the coming weeks in ways they simply are not prepared for.

In short, what Porter is sharing on July 30 will be the next big prediction to add to that list. It might be his most controversial yet.

Porter will walk you through exactly what he's doing with his own money to prepare for the coming weeks (which you can do, too).

And most importantly, why he says a "buy and hold" approach is NOT going to save you.

Click here for full details on Porter's new update.


Brett Aitken
Publisher, Stansberry Research