Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

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📝 Today's Rundown
  • Portfolio Insurance: Multiple valuation models rooted in traditional financial data demonstrate that bitcoin is portfolio insurance for fixed-income investors.
  • Meritocracy: Exploring how a society built on Bitcoin may function and how merit will supersede politics as a mode of social organization.
  • Bitcoin for Plasma: OctaPharma is testing a pilot of 32 locations that allows plasma donors to get paid in bitcoin.


Bitcoin Portfolio Insurance: BTC Valuation Models
By Greg Foss And Jason Sansone

The Bitcoin Portfolio Insurance” series is back with its third and last episode in which, after exploring the fundamental concepts necessary to understand the complex world of bonds and credit markets, two complementary minds discuss methods and ideas to consensually arrive at a detailed valuation for bitcoin. 

Gregg Foss, former hedge fund manager with over 32 years in high-yield credit trading experience and Jason Sansone, Bitcoin enthusiast and surgeon, share their substantiated opinions to debunk one of the most common claims about the best performing asset of the last decade: “Bitcoin has no fundamental value.”

They talk about the “Fulcrum Index,” the comparison between bitcoin and physical gold, bitcoin as a percentage of global assets, an analysis of Bitcoin’s expected value and more. 

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The Age Of Meritocracy – Bitcoin Is Not Democratic Part Five
By Aleksandar Svetski

The “Bitcoin Is Not Democratic” series is back with its fifth and final installment. A society built on a Bitcoin standard is brought explored, how it may function and how meritocracy will, most likely, supersede any kind of governance system as a mode of social organization because, as stated in this article, Bitcoin is our opportunity to swing the pendulum away from the tyranny of the “given” and back to the possibility of the “gathered.”

In this episode, the author of this series carries on with more challenging but substantiated viewpoints and ideas. He discusses the importance of work as a basis for progress, its link to meritocracy, the concept of false meritocracy and meritocratic feudalism, futuristic private citadels, memberships and clubs, CEOs instead of rulers, the idea of a network of dictators and more.

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1. The academic community must make the choice of honest intellectual consideration of Bitcoin or continued deliberate ignorance.

2. A vision into the future — what would the education system look like under a Bitcoin standard?

3. The last 25 years have seen venture capital funds dominate the financial scene — but Bitcoin could change the game.

4. Adam Back and Balaji Srinivasan discuss global Bitcoin adoption and the rate at which it is accelerating at a pace faster than many people expected.

5. Attacks to make Bitcoin change its issuance mechanism to proof of stake are futile. History has shown that this type of attack will not work.

6. Anthony Scaramucci joins the “Bitcoin Magazine Podcast” to talk about Bitcoin and its role in reforming American fiscal and monetary policy.


OctaPharma Launches Pilot To Get Paid In Bitcoin For Plasma Donations
By Shawn Amick

OctaPharma Plasma, a U.S. based pharmaceutical company that collects plasma for life-saving medications, has partnered with Swan Bitcoin and Spade Payment Solutions to allow individuals to get paid in bitcoin for donating plasma.

Through this partnership, donors will be able to receive $100 of bitcoin for their donations up to two times per week as the pilot launches across 32 locations in the United States.

“This is a way to consistently stack sats. If a person donates twice a week they can legitimately stack $10,000 worth of sats in a year” – Court Harrington of Spade Payment Solutions.

Indeed a great way to accumulate some bitcoin — stacking sats while saving lives.

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Live Update!
In this episode of Bitcoin Magazine LIVE:
  • Bitcoin Conference HYPE SHOW
  • An Interview with Patrick Bet-David
  • An episode of The Break Up with Nolan Bauerle
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By Richard Dick Whitman

Proof of Work has a deeper meaning if we examine it through a philosophical lens. In all aspects of life, it has been PoW which has driven humanity to prosperity.

PoW is esentially nature, as the rules of alchemy state, you can't get something from nothing. Hence for creating money, effort should naturally be an input.

With love,



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