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Nov 08, 2017
Positions need filled? Take a look at the job description

Finding the right talent from the candidate pool to fill your tech-heavy position is daunting.more…


Hacking group targeting cybersecurity professionals

A hacking group known as Group 74 is targeting professionals in the cybersecurity community with a fake conference document.more…

Millennials are the ‘sloppiest’ when it comes to online security

Millennials were raised in the computer age and, generally speaking, most are at ease with adapting to constantly changing tech.more…

Adware-laden harmful extension poses as popular Adblock Plus

If your users or staff use adblockers, make sure they’re not downloading this Chrome extension posing as a legitimate program.more…

Work with HR to prevent data damage and downtime from disgruntled ex-employees

Here's another example of why HR and IT need to be a team when it comes to the unfortunate situation of letting someone go.more…

Deloitte's cloud server emails hacked

Another hack rocked the world when Deloitte announced that it had been compromised in an attack about a year ago.more…

Is wave of new data-destruction ransomware the next NotPetya?

A new type of ransomware is sweeping across the globe, boasting 20 million attacks in a day.more…

Users implanted with microchip to buy potato chips and clock in

A company in Wisconsin is microchipping its employees... And a lot of them are on board with the idea.more…



Compare Free Price Quotes on Business Phone Systems

Choosing a business phone system is one of the most important purchasing decisions your business can make. Your callers shouldn't have to face incorrectly routed calls, disconnections, or a bewildering array of automated options. Knowing your requirements in advance and understanding system constraints will help you negotiate with vendors. Every year, BuyerZone helps over 10,000 businesses buy phone systems. We’ll help you sort through all your options and provide you with free price quotes from several qualified vendors so you can compare and find the system that’s right for your business.

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Compare Free Price Quotes on Document Management Systems

Whether you’re looking to solve a paper problem or streamline the way you handle invoices and other records, document management software can transform the way your business operates, instantly safeguarding and securing your sensitive information. Modern software suites are also highly user-friendly, enabling you to find exactly what you’re looking for with a simple search. To learn more, let BuyerZone help you sort through all your options and provide you with free price quotes from several qualified vendors. You can compare offers and find the system that’s right for your business.

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