The media is reporting every case of the Coronavirus as it happens live. Fear not!
Someone in your city or state tested positive. Fear not!
Your friend has self quarantined. Fear not!
You're not sure what the future holds. Fear not!
You're not sure what will happen to your business and economy. Fear not!
You're waiting on the medical report. Fear not!
You're getting ready for the big game. Fear not!
You might lose your job. Fear not!
You don't know what college you will go to. Fear not!
Your parents are getting a divorce. Fear not!
You don't think the interview went well. Fear not!
They're putting a lot of pressure on you. Fear not!
You may not hit your numbers. Fear not!
There's a lot of chaos in the world. Fear not!
Fear not doesn't mean you take reckless action.
Fear not doesn't mean you ignore the reality of the situation.
Fear not doesn't mean you make stupid decisions.
Fear not doesn't mean you don't care.
Fear not doesn’t mean you don’t wash your hands and use sanitizer.
Fear not doesn't mean you don't bump knuckles or kick feet instead of handshake.
Fear not doesn't mean you don't feel fear.
Fear not means you let go and know you're not in control.
Fear not means you don't let fear consume you.
Fear not means you don't let fear guide you.
Fear not means you don't let fear paralyze you.
Fear not means you don't let fear sabotage your health.
Fear not means you won't let fear steal your future.
Fear not means your trust is greater than your fear.
Fear not means you move forward with faith.
Fear not means you have hope today.
Fear not means you still dream about tomorrow.
Fear not means you believe the best is yet to come!
Fear and worry weaken your immune system.One of the best things you can do for your health is have faith... and wash your hands a lot.