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FUEL for You
To fuel something is to power it. And so, I titled this newsletter FUEL for You because I want to provide you with a simple framework to power your life with positive energy. FUEL is not just a word but also an acronym and when you implement it, you'll live with more power and energy and become a more powerful force for good.

F-Feed the Positive

If you want to build muscle, you need to eat protein. In the same way if you want to build a positive mindset you need to feed yourself with positivity. My favorite way to do this is to practice gratitude while walking. Twenty years ago, at the peak of my misery and negativity, I started taking a daily Thank You Walk each morning where I would say out loud what I was thankful for while walking. By doing this I was flooding my brain and body with positive emotions that fueled me instead of the stress hormones that drained me. Since you can't be stressed and thankful at the same time it's a great way to feed the positive and weed the negative and create a positive mindset. I literally rewired my brain from negative to positive by doing this one daily morning practice and I want to encourage you to try it or pick another daily practice to feed yourself with positivity in the morning.

I will feed the positive each day by _________________.

U-Uplift your Mind

When I talk about the mind I'm not talking about your brain. I'm talking about the mind that is part of your soul. Your mind and soul need to be nourished, renewed, and uplifted on a regular basis. In this wild and crazy busy world, you'll want to make time to incorporate beauty, nature, music, meditation, prayer, dance, art, encouraging movies, and soul nourishing books into your life. When you nourish and uplift your soul you'll improve your mental health and energize your life.

Today I will uplift my mind by _________________.

E-Encourage Others

The power of positivity doesn't decrease when it's shared. It actually grows exponentially the more everyone shares it. One of the best ways to share positive energy is to encourage others. Everyone needs encouragement and when you encourage others you give them the confidence, belief and power they need to create their life and a better world. My hope is that as you encourage others it will create a circular ripple effect that comes back to encourage you. The word encourage means "to put courage into" so make a list of the people you want to put courage into and start encouraging several people each day.

Today I will encourage _________________.

L-Love it!

Fear is draining and it will sabotage your energy and life if you let it. The antidote to fear is love. Love is more powerful than fear and it casts out fear. So anytime fear sets in choose to love it. Love the moment, love the process, love the battle, love the competition, love the challenge, love the opportunity to make a difference. Love your team members. Love your clients. Find something to love about it, whatever it is. When you love it, fear will dissipate, and you’ll feel your power rise. Fuel your life with love and you’ll be using the highest-octane fuel to power your life.

Today I will love _________________.

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