Positivity doesn’t ignore reality. It maintains optimism and belief in order to create a better reality ...
Positivity is the Competitive Advantage Some people roll their eyes when they hear someone talk about positivity. They think of positivity as pollyanna, weak and annoying. They mistakenly think positivity is about rah rah and motivation. But real positivity is really about optimism, grit, mental toughness and energy that delivers real results. Positivity doesn’t ignore reality. It maintains optimism and belief in order to create a better reality. Positivity attracts great people to your team and organization and helps you build a great culture. It is the glue that fosters essential relationships and connections and helps you overcome the negativity that sabotages your vision and mission. Too many people think you have to choose between positivity and winning. The truth is, you don’t have to choose. Positivity leads to winning. It’s the way to lead and perform if you want to win. Just ask the Los Angeles Dodgers and Rams. Clemson Football. Miami Heat. Tampa Bay Lightning and many other teams I’ve worked with that embrace positivity and win. Positivity is the competitive advantage! If you don’t believe it or have some doubters on your team/organization, you can share the following proof of positivity with them. Benefits of a Positive Perspective: How you see the world determines the world you see. A positive perspective causes you to see the world in a positive light which helps you see the good that is happening right now and create positive possibilities tomorrow. Positivity broadens your perspective allowing you to see and find solutions where negativity narrows it and causes you to focus on problems. A positive mindset sees challenges as opportunities, fosters adaptability and growth and powers you to thrive through change. The Power of a Positive Mindset: A positive mindset nourishes your mind and brain with positive thoughts and beliefs that maximize your ability and potential. I’ve never heard anyone say that someone needs to be more negative in order to get better. :) Most of us need more positivity because we must constantly battle life’s challenges. Positivity helps you overcome the negativity that discourages you and the adversity that makes you want to give up. So when faced with adversity, naysayers, criticism and rejection, a positive mindset leads to a higher state of mind that leads to more grit, resilience, optimism, belief, growth and success. Positive Leaders Deliver Positive Results: A Positive Leader is a better leader. A Positive Leader sees a positive future and is able to rally their team to create it. With a positive mindset, a positive leader is able to encourage themselves and their team through challenges and change and develop relationships that lead to enhanced engagement and performance. Throughout history, it’s the positive leaders who have made the greatest impact and changed the world. Positive Leaders Build Great Cultures: When talking about Positive Leadership, we must also recognize that positive leaders build great cultures that lead to sustained success. Great cultures don’t happen by accident. They are created by positive leaders who live and share core values, implement success principles, attract and hire people who bring the principles and values to life and reinforce their culture. Positive leaders invest in the root (culture, people, purpose) that lead to the fruit (results, success). Positive Teams Outperform Negative Teams: Speaking of results, no one creates success alone. We all need a team to be successful and positivity is essential to building a strong team. Teams that stay positive through adversity together grow stronger and succeed together. Negative teams divide, crumble and fall part. Positive teams unite, connect, commit and get stronger together. Positive Relationships Build Strength: Relationships are the foundation that builds a strong team and guess what helps build a great relationship? You guessed it. Positivity. Couples who had more positive interactions at a ratio of 3 positive to 1 negative or greater were more likely to stay married. Couples who compliment, support, and encourage one another are happier and stronger together. Numerous studies demonstrate that positive relationships at work lead to higher engagement, greater retention and improved morale and performance. I could go on and on and talk about how positivity makes you a better coach, teacher, parent, designer, builder, etc. To build something or build up someone, optimism, positivity and belief are essential to building greatness. If you don’t have it, you can’t share it. Look around and it’s clear the world desperately needs you to share positivity. Positivity isn’t the only ingredient for success, but it’s the key ingredient that makes you and everything you do and everyone around you better. Positivity is the difference, and it is the key to you making a greater difference. Start fueling up with the Competitive Advantage today! - Jon | Learn proven principles and strategies from my bestselling books The Energy Bus, The Power of Positive Leadership and The Power of a Positive Team togive yourself The Positive Advantage, with evidence-based best practices, that have been utilized by many top leaders, high achievers and organizations (businesses, pro sports teams, school districts, non-profit, health care) to create amazing results. Jon Gordon's Day of Development will leave you with a personal action plan to enhance your career, team and organization. Go toadayofdevelopment.com to sign up and check out our upcoming fall dates and locations. Email info@jongordon.com or reply to this message for more information. | STAY POSITIVE! THE BEST IS YET TO COME. www.jongordon.com Newsletter / Article Reprint Permission: We grant you permission to post and reprint this newsletter in your publication, on your blog or in your company newsletter with the stipulation that you credit Jon Gordon as the author and you provide a link to www.JonGordon.com. | |