During challenging times we have a choice between the positive road and the negative road.
Make an Impact and Income as a Certified Positive Leadership Trainer / Speaker Become a certified leadership trainer, use Jon Gordon’s proven frameworks, and build a business that creates real impact. Learn how here. | The One Decision that Changes Everything During the pandemic I lost 100% of my business in just a few days. I remember walking around the house checking email on my phone as one event after another canceled. After the first few emails I said “darn”. The next few emails made me say “dam”. By the last few cancellations I can’t write the words I said. :) Let’s just say I was not very positive. I was fearful. I had employees and wondered how I would be able to pay them. I had a team of speakers who were experiencing their cancellations as well. I wondered if this was the end of speaking as a profession. No one knew how the world was going to change and I had a negative view of the future. My wife tried to help. She said “It’s okay. We’ll get through it.” I responded, “No. This isn’t good. I think we are done.” She said, “Aren’t you the guy who writes all these positive books and gives all these people positive advice.” As I nodded she said, “I think you need to start following your own advice.” Her words hit me right between the eyes and woke me up. I made a decision in that moment that I was not going to live in fear. I decided I was going to stay positive during this time. I was going to expect the best and be a light during this dark time and share positivity with my team, this community and everyone who followed me on social media. I reached out to many of my clients and said I would be happy to encourage them and their teams. If they couldn’t pay me that would be fine. I wanted to serve and help regardless. I went back to my rookie mindset when I was just starting out speaking and believed anything was possible. I shared encouraging messages on social media, my podcast and on this newsletter every week. I also did a free webinar that had 100,000+ watch it. I often posted “I’m not buying the doom and gloom. I’m investing in faith, hope and love.” Tons of people reached out to me during that time asking for help and I was busier than ever doing zooms and virtual keynotes. To this day so many leaders and readers tell me they found me during the pandemic. One new client said they had 500 employees and were fearful and negative. But as they started listening to my podcasts and reading this newsletter and my books they stayed positive, lead with optimism and belief, shared it with their team and now have 3500 employees. My one decision to stay positive and help others stay positive elevated my life and work. It has led to exponential growth and impact in my business and because these leaders and companies made the same decision they are seeing the same growth and impact. During challenging times we have a choice between the positive road and the negative road. You get to choose which road you will take and I want to encourage you to take the positive road. It’s the one decision that will change everything. If you want to join me on the positive road I’d love to meet you at Day of Development in Orlando on April 10. Hope to see you there. Have a great week! Jon | Being a a leader can be lonely and challenging. That’s why I launched Jon Gordon’s Circle, a private group for leaders, entrepreneurs and difference makers. It includes mentorship. Monthly zooms, Q&A’s. In person meet ups. Real time insights and advice I share in our private messaging app. We get better together! We only have 100 people max and we have a few spots left. If you are Interested in joining my circle you can apply here. |
STAY POSITIVE! THE BEST IS YET TO COME. www.jongordon.com Newsletter / Article Reprint Permission: We grant you permission to post and reprint this newsletter in your publication, on your blog or in your company newsletter with the stipulation that you credit Jon Gordon as the author and you provide a link to www.JonGordon.com. | |