(Oct. 22, 2016 edition); The musical stylings of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump;
Post Quizzes
Is this a real rejected Hillary Clinton slogan?
"Building a fairer future today."
Rejected Clinton Slogan GE slogan
"Time for a better bargain."
Rejected Clinton Slogan Lando Calrissian Paraphrase
"Your future. Your terms."
Rejected Clinton Slogan Retirement Community
(Oct. 22, 2016 edition)
(Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)
Which statement did Donald Trump not make during the last debate?
“The Iraqi city of Mosul has fallen, I mean, from any standpoint." "The Supreme Court: It's what it's all about."
"We're going to do a lot of things for college tuition." "You’re the puppet!"
(John Locher/AP)
Which statement did Hillary Clinton not make during the debate?:
“Millions of people a year die from guns -- and most are suicides.” "Well, you should ask Bernie Sanders who he's supporting for president."
"I am not going to let anyone into this country who is not vetted, who we do not have confidence in." "I want us to do more to help small business."
(Steffi Loos/Getty Images)
Who did Ecuador's government say forced it to cut off Internet access to Julian Assange, a years-long guest at its embassy in London?
The U.S. government. Alleged Russian hackers.
Britain's government. No one.
The musical stylings of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Whose words were used to generate this tune?
Hillary Clinton Donald Trump
Whose words were used to generate this tune?
Hillary Clinton Donald Trump
Whose words were used to generate this tune?
Donald Trump Hillary Clinton
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