February 27, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

Miss any of the excitement in the week that was?  Have no fear, I'll catch you up... the most popular article on Stock Gumshoe last week was our uncovering of a Motley Fool "Small Cap 5G Stock" that they think has 40X potential, if you missed that one just click below to...

Maybe you’ve heard about the nationwide shortage of physical coins. But behind the scenes another coin market has taken off. In just two years, select coins shot up by 30X, 80X, even 124X. Making a few everyday folks millionaires overnight. Now, it’s happening again.

Click here to find out more...


We started the piece with a look at an "oil killer" penny stock, something Alex Koyfman is teasing will provide us with 11,300% returns as it upends the whole energy system -- Thinkolator results on that one here.

We also checked in with the latest version of Dan Ferris' "If I had to put all my money in one stock" pitch -- it's been running for a few years, but the story has changed a bit... my take is here.

After that piece we moved on to cover When prices are flailing around, might it be soothing to consider an investment whose price doesn't move at all?  Like, perhaps, a private investment in a company that isn't listed yet?  Readers have been asking me about the Cannabis Venture Syndicates pitch for a secret San Diego company that has some special way of propagating pot plants, and thinks it could "explode 100X in value in 12 months" ... I fed those clues to the Thinkolator and covered it here.

FInally, I closed things out, as usual, with my Friday File for the Irregulars -- this time I've got some more detailed thoughts on risk reduction as I try to navigate these wild and woolly markets, and share another installment of the Annual Review... as well as doing a little buying and putting a couple new ideas on the watchlist.  Just click below for that if you missed it.


Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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