Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

Bitcoin is holding strong today — just as we show up strong with the daily signal ☕.
📝 Today's Rundown
  • 💪🏼 PoW Incentives: Proof-of-work drives energy innovation. Proof-of-stake ensures the richest among us will continue their control over others.
  • 🏛️ A Bitcoin Party?: Should we depend on established political parties to defend the interest of Bitcoiners? Or is it time to form a new Bitcoin political party?
  • 🎭 Beware Of Rentseekers: Though altcoins use Bitcoin to gain people’s trust, they’re simply a reimagining of fiat incentive alignment.
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How The Incentives Of Proof-Of-Work Are More Fair That Proof-Of-Stake
By Mickey Koss

The most popular alternative cryptocurrency is on the verge of making a radical transformation and change its protocol from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS). While most of its worshippers celebrate the event and happily share the plethora of articles citing a 99% reduction in energy usage, it is clear that they don’t really understand the implications of such a change. Everything has a price and PoS is extremely expensive when it comes to decentralization, manipulation and control.

Proof-of-work is the innovation that drives energy innovation and novel ways to harness wasted resources. Proof-of-stake ensures the richest among us will continue to control the others who will never be able to catch up.

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Should There Be A Bitcoin Political Party?
By Robert Hall

Bitcoin is apolitical. The protocol does not consider human’s point of view, behaviors or ideologies — it works as intended, as it was programmed for and equally for everyone. However, our current society is, unfortunately, still very political and it doesn't look like that's going to change in the near future.

Because of that, it would be that crazy to not start thinking about a Bitcoin focused political party. After all, who else will protect the Bitcoin protocol from clueless government bureaucrats if we are not in the room determining how to craft regulations? Just like Bitcoin started from the ground up, a new Bitcoin party is a people’s movement that will truly embody the values of America.

Every Bitcoiner should go to their secretary of state’s website and see what it takes to start a political party in their state.

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1. MicroStrategy bought the dip, purchasing 301 bitcoin for about $6 million between Aug. 2 and Sept. 19. Holdings now top 130,000 BTC.

2. The Nasdaq is set to enter the crowded market of institutional bitcoin custody as it aims to become a service provider in the cryptocurrency space.

3. Riot and Blockware Solutions released a report on how bitcoin becomes a medium of exchange. The report explores what Bitcoin needs to achieve in order to scale Bitcoin transactions to seven billion people and what the process looks like over the next 20 years.

4. Lighting Network adoption is scaling Bitcoin around the world. And it will be key to protecting our freedoms in the digital age as well.

5. Bitcoin community leaders can help educate others about the values of bitcoin simply through a localized onboarding process.

6. Daniela Brozzoni has been working on the Bitcoin Dev Kit to offer a wider variety of options for generating addresses and sending money to bitcoin users.

7. Colorado residents can now pay state taxes with bitcoin and cryptocurrency –– but only with a PayPal account.

Bitcoin Songsheet: How Altcoiners Use Bitcoin To Rent Seek
By Jimmy Song

Rent seeking occurs when an entity is obtaining wealth from a system or someone else without producing anything or providing any reciprocal contribution in return. In other words, rent seeking is just another form of stealing.

Knowing the above, it wouldn’t be too difficult to see how most alternative cryptocurrencies are in fact the perfect rent-seeking mechanism for fraudsters and thieves. Most altcoins only produce wealth for their creators by stealing from “investors” without providing anything in return, most of them are centralized and, what's more, they confuse, mislead and deceive the unwary.

Some Bitcoiners find their behaviour annoying, some find it irrelevant. Yet to ignore them would be a terrible mistake, because they are causing tremendous amounts of harm to Bitcoin and, hence, to humanity.

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By Pure Blood 

The only digital and provably scarce asset, which can't easily be confiscated or debased. Divisible and easy to transport through space.

Some times bitcoin sounds like magic ...

With love, 

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