Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

The week begins as HODLers show their resilience as more than 66 percent of the available bitcoin supply has not moved in more than a year. 

Bitcoiners are hopeful despite the current global economic crisis.
📝 Today's Rundown
  • 🗽 Fight For Freedom: At Bitcoin Amsterdam, Stella Assange advocated for her husband Julian’s freedom, drawing parallels between Bitcoin and WikiLeaks.
  • 😶 Free Speech & Bitcoin: Candace Owens reported that Kanye West’s bank accounts with JPMorgan Chase were closed. Ye needs to adopt bitcoin in order to exchange value.
  • 💻 New Frontiers: Bitcoin’s unique properties of electricity usage and heat generation bring new frontiers to building design.
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🗽 Fight For Freedom

Stella Assange, Wife Of Imprisoned WikiLeaks Founder, Fights For Power Against Authority At Bitcoin Amsterdam
By Peter Chawaga

In a presentation titled “Free Assange,” Stella Assange, wife of the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder, took the stage at Bitcoin Amsterdam to describe the parallels between Bitcoin as a permissionless money and WikiLeaks’ mission to disseminate vital information to the public.

Assange went on to recount infamous publications from WikiLeaks. For example, she outlined the role that Julian Assange and the publishing platform played in spurring the Occupy Wall Street movement, and said that he called Bitcoin “the real Occupy Wall Street.” Among other things, Stella Assange also outlined the role that Bitcoin played in supporting WikiLeaks as centralized financial institutions attempted to silence it. 

The battle for the freedom of Julian Assage is one that should resonate with adopters of Bitcoin.

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😶 Free Speech & Bitcoin

Why Kanye West And Other Free Speech Advocates Need Bitcoin
By Marty Bent

This last week, one of the largest banks in the world abruptly rug pulled Kanye West's multibillion-dollar company bank account, by giving him and his team an account ending notice to fully empty it before the end of next month. No official reason was given, but it could be that Kanye said something the bank or government doesn't agree with.

Within these last few months, real examples of censorship have continued to increase.

Not so long ago, PayPal attempted implement a $2500 fine on any users it deems to be exhibiting thoughtcrime. While they backed down after their customer base called out the insanity, it does leave a precedent.

The author describes the parallels of the different events having the same specific source: freedom of speech. Our freedom of speech is being attacked. And unfortunately it doesn't stop there — the attack extends to the freedom of moving money. This is the reason why freedom advocates need Bitcoin.

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📰 The Daily Bits

1. Bitcoin breaks the financial bonds created by the monopolization of money.

2. Life is one game after another, and just because bitcoin is sound money doesn’t mean it is any different.

3. Bitcoin’s protocol is slow to change by design, but incentivizing the BIP feedback process with bounties could improve development.

4. No Big Deal, a bitcoin development non-profit was announced by ZEBEDEE. The project is currently focused on Lightning infrastructure and supporting hosted channels to remove the need of custodial users on Lightning.

5. While being armed with knowledge is powerful, it can be frustrating for Bitcoiners who see the solutions to the world’s monetary woes.

6. Currently, Western bitcoin adoption is largely dominated by centralized, KYC and AML compliant exchanges.

7. September’s CPI release comes in hot and sparks one of the most volatile days we’ve seen yet. The BM Pro team’s thoughts on where a bitcoin low price could be.

8. Bitcoin has enabled the plebeians to instigate generational change without needing a legendary catalyst figure.
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💻 New Frontiers

Six Ways Bitcoin Mining Is Transforming Building Utilities For The Better
By Dan Luddy

Winter is coming and the electricity we use to warm our dwellings is one of the important factors that got us into the environmental turmoil we are dealing with today. Being efficient  with our energy is key to preventing and reversing the perturbing lack of cheap quality energy for everyone. 

What if by heating our residence, we could contribute to the best form of money ever? By reusing waste heat, Bitcoin mining could be integrated into commercial and residential buildings and be profitable at the same time. Bitcoin mining can easily improve building performance and reduce global carbon emissions while also decentralizing money and making it impartial and fair for everyone.

The author of this article demonstrates how Bitcoin is not only changing our monetary system, but also transforming building utilities for the better.

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We all might have this feeling where the sats we stack will never be enough. Why? Because there is no such thing as having enough bitcoin. What do we say when people ask us how much bitcoin we own? Not enough.

Stack harder,
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