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Best practices for managing confrontation in the workplace
Mastering Negotiation:
How to Get What You Want, Need, and Deserve

Think of all the times in a work week that you need to negotiate.

Whether you're negotiating with your higher ups, a client, or your colleagues - it's a critical skill that allows you to ask for what you want while building stronger working relationship and credibility.

If you're a manager or leader, you need to know how to negotiate - and negotiate well.

We're offering a 60-minute workshop full of strategies for better negotiation and tips for overcoming the reluctance to ask for what you want, need, and deserve. 


You'll be able to

Better negotiate for what you or your team want, need, and deserve
Manage expectations and reach compromises that benefit all parties
Communicate with credibility and confidence
Walk away with your desired outcome after a tough negotiation

You’ll learn

Negotiation skills women need to advance their team, goals, or career  
How to leverage the 4 objectives of better negotiation
Techniques for breaking the negotiation deadlock and making progress
How to avoid getting in your own way so you can keep 'eyes on the prize' 
Get Better Outcomes

Online Workshop + Your Questions Answered + At Your
Convenience Recording