Restore Time on SQL Server 2016 - Hi, I have been testing out SQL Server 2016 on some VMs so I took a full backup copy of the...
Confused about Alwayson Availablity group - Hi all, I am trying to understand the alwayson availability group and how it works. I find it particularly confusing when it...
DBA Service - Hello All, We currently do not have an on premise DBA we have a DBA Service that monitors our Databases...
Understanding Implicit_Transaction on - INSERT block SELECT - why? - Hi all, I am not sure if this is normal, i tried googling but have never found a similar thread in...
Restoring backup from different media set - possible ? - Hi all, I am abit confuse with the terms media set / media family etc .. If I am to set my backup...
Combining two qureies to one - Hi , I have two query and the explanation is we run the query pasted in file OpenRejectedReport.txt. Then the output...
Using Subqueries as Calculated Fields - I have a concept question on this code: [code]SELECT cust_name, cust_state, (SELECT Count(*) FROM orders WHERE order.cust_id=customers.cust_id) as orders FROM customers ORDER BY cust_name;[/code] I...
Nested Joins - Having syntax and bounding issues - Hello. My first post here and hope to get some help. It'll be obvious that I'm a newbie. I apologize for...
Convert a string with an array of variables? - Does anyone have a better solution for this? I would think I have to be overlooking something. I need to convert...
Error in dynamic sql - Hi i am getting error when i am running this query. Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 7
sql commands in a job - hi i want to run in a job the following SQL commands update Reports set SSIS=1 where ReportID=50 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'D_Reports' update Reports set...
Picking the Correct Row - I'm trying to create a function to associate a postcode region with the Police Force by which it is covered....
By date - I would like to run for 100 days of data. getdate() - 6 april 7april - 14 april and so on.. How can I break into...
Need help on getting last day of the months in seconds for 13 months - I wrote the query and it returned the results only on the 28th of each month. [code="sql"] With cteMonths as ( select DATEADD(s, -1,...
Tlog file full..No space to ru Backup log statement - Good morning Experts, Transaction log file is full. I cannot even issue backup log command as there is no space at...
Varchar usage - Hi All, My understanding of varchar data type is that it reserves only the size of actual data stored in it. For...
Advice on query optmization - Multiple Unions - Hi, I'm trying to understand how this might be better optimized. I currently have these three different queries to union the...
Azure - Replication - Hi there I have updated our server to 2012 SP3, which should include the ability to replicate to Azure? I have tried...
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' - I have a Dotnet application developed using VS2012 (VB.NET) developed on my workstation. The application connects to a SQL Server...
Anonymous access in SQL RS 2008 - Hi In SSRS 2008 their is no IIS required. So anonymous access is not possible by configuring IIS. I find the...