
Did you see that the proposed PPS rule calls for a payment increase of $400 million? Adjustments to Medicare’s home health payments under the 2019 proposed PPS rule would increase agencies’ total reimbursement by an estimated 2.1%, or $400 million. But not all agencies will be winners. Within the proposed rule, CMS has outlined plans to replace PPS with the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) starting in 2020. Agencies like yours will need to adapt your practices and the services you provide if you want to be one of the financial winners. You can read more about it in the breaking news email below.

These pending home health payment changes could create new opportunities for agencies such as yours if you adjust your operations accordingly. Now is the time to start preparing your agency for these sweeping changes.

Join us at the Home Health Payment Summit, October 25 - 26 in Chicago, to get a breakdown of the provisions in 2019 PPS rule that will impact your agency including the PDGM, changes with home infusion therapy, remote patient monitoring technology, rural add-on, and F2F changes.

Hear from top industry experts during two-day agenda packed full of valuable strategies on how to achieve efficient revenue cycle & compliance management. You’ll walk away from top-notch sessions with tools to:
  • Leverage new opportunities under PDGM
  • Understand data drivers that will determine which agencies are winners and losers under PDGM
  • Manage costs, improve operational efficiencies, prepare for new payment model
  • Prepare for ADRs with proven processes and procedures, avoid denials
  • Keep your money during the Review Choice & other reviews
View the full agenda

You can easily register at or by calling 1-855-CALL-DH1 (1-855-225-5341). You can also save $100 with the early bird discount if you register by Monday, August 20.

I hope to see you there!

Marci Geipe
Conference Chair
Monday, July 2, 2018

Breaking News


Proposed PPS rule calls for payment increase of $400 million, details new payment model 

Adjustments to Medicare’s home health payments under the 2019 proposed PPS rule would increase agencies’ total reimbursement by an estimated 2.1%, or $400 million.

By comparison, the 2018 PPS final rule included a 0.4%, or $80 million, payment reduction.

The proposed payment change reflects a 2.1% home health payment update percentage; a 0.1% increase due to decreasing the fixed-dollar-loss ratio in order to pay no more than 2.5% of total payments as outlier payments; and a 0.1% decrease in payments due to the new rural add-on policy mandated by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018.

The proposal, posted July 1, also discusses the implementation of temporary transitional payments for home infusion therapy services, beginning Jan. 1, 2019.

In addition, the rule discusses proposals related to full implementation of the new home infusion therapy benefit in 2021.

CMS considers new payment model

Within the proposed rule, CMS also provides details about its plan to revise the prospective payment system for the home health industry.

Instead of calling it the Home Health Groupings Model (HHGM), CMS has decided to call the model Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM), which take effect Jan. 1, 2020.

Like HHGM, PDGM will use a 30-day period of care — not a 60-day episode. Dividing a single 60-day episode into two periods allows payments to be more accurately apportioned and would have no impact to the OASIS, according to prior comments from Cambridge, Mass.-based Abt Associates, a contractor that has been working on revisions for CMS.

The model will be budget neutral.

“Also for 2020, Congress mandated that Medicare stop using the number of therapy visits provided to determine payment, because therapy thresholds encourage volume over value and does not acknowledge that all patients aren’t the same, and some patients have complex needs that don’t involve a lot of therapy,” a fact sheet about the rule states.

Instead of the incentive to overprovide therapy, PDGM will reflect CMS’ “focus on relying more heavily on clinical characteristics and other patient information to allow payments to more closely coincide with patients’ needs.”

“The improved structure of this proposed case-mix system would move Medicare towards a more value-based payment system that puts the unique care needs of the patient first while also reducing the administrative burden associated with the HH PPS.”

View more information about PDGM at

Quality changes will create savings

CMS says that the changes it’s making related to OASIS item collection due to PDGM and the changes it’s planning to the quality reporting program discussed in the rule “are estimated to result in a net $60 million in annualized cost savings for home health agencies, or $5,150 in cost savings per HHA per year beginning in CY 2020.”

And CMS also is planning to reduce the burden for physicians.

“In an effort to make improvements to the health care delivery system and to reduce unnecessary burdens for physicians, CMS is proposing to eliminate the requirement that the certifying physician estimate how much longer skilled services are required when recertifying the need for continued home health care,” the fact sheet states.

CMS estimates this would create an annual cost savings for certifying physicians of $14 million beginning in 2019. 

Editor’s note: Providers can comment to CMS until Aug. 31. View the proposed rule at Note that while Home Health Line is taking a holiday break — there will be no July 9 issue — agencies should keep a look out for additional breaking news emails and a full issue about the rule July 16.