Ahimsa – Non Violence

Dear Yogi,

Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned yogi, we can all feel frustrated when our yoga practice doesn’t progress as quickly as we’d like... Ahimsa (or ‘Non-violence’) in our practice means letting go of negative thoughts about our body and what it can (or can’t) do, and not pushing ourselves to the point of harm.

Of course, this can be quite challenging in our competitive, goal-oriented society, but approaching our practice with compassion and curiosity rather than competitiveness and criticism can be a real game changer. When we stop scolding ourselves with unsupportive thoughts, our body responds by working with us, not against us.

To learn more about Ahimsa and practice it in class - check out our articles and classes below.

Be kind to yourself today 🙏


The EkhartYoga team.

♡ 15 June 2024: Esther's monthly gathering
Esther Ekhart offers a talk, guided meditation and some mindful movement, followed by a Q&A every month on Zoom. The meetings are donation-based.

♡ 1 - 7 February 2025: Bali Retreat with Esther Ekhart and Tracey Cook
A transformative retreat, where gentle movement, meditation, and self-inquiry await, offering a deeper connection to your essence and the world around you.

“David, I rarely practice with you because your classes take me out of my comfort zone. It is not easy to let go of the structure I am used to, to abandon myself to the more sensory experience that you offer… Long story short, I saw this class and, without thinking too much, I welcomed it as an invitation to explore. And here I am after 50 minutes, feeling refreshed in the body and calmer in the spirits. Thank you so much for this beautiful experience.”

~ Elisa on David Kam’s class: Spacious energiser