Pastor Brandon Washington recalls the day his uncle gave him “the talk.” It was a common practice in African American families like his. “Neph, you are male, black, and large,” his uncle said. “Many will perceive you as a threat, and it may get you killed.”
I knew of no such talk. But that’s no surprise. I’m white, raised in a middle-class family. It never occurred to me that I might be perceived as a threat to others when I started to grow. I had no fear of the police. They were there to protect me from the bad guys.
Washington’s article reminded me of how different the experience is for many minorities. And the high-profile killings of African Americans this year has heightened this awareness for people across the country. But as Washington reminds us, we cannot succumb to hopelessness. In Confront Injustice with the Gospel he talks about the sermon he preached in the wake of the killing of George Floyd. I hope his article will inspire others to address injustice in a similarly bold and gospel-centered way. Also, check out Unity in Diversity. This resource is a wealth of wisdom showing how congregations can honor members’ different backgrounds while coming together as one in Christ.