How Microsoft can enable the internet of things

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Network World IoT Alert

Mar 19, 2018
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Predictive maintenance: One of the industrial IoT’s big draws

The number-one value-add of IIoT to operation technology so far has been predictive maintenance. Combining machine learning and AI with the data generated by the flood of new IoT devices lets you better understand how systems work and can be maintained. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

How Microsoft can enable the internet of things
The internet of useful things
Big trouble down on the IoT farm
How to deal with networking IoT devices
Tips for securing IoT on your network
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How Microsoft can enable the internet of things

Microsoft has two IoT-specific operating systems Windows 10 IoT Core for low-power devices and Windows 10 IoT Enterprise for more demanding devices Read More

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The internet of useful things

There are so many pointless consumer electronics devices connected to the internet these days that there's a Twitter account dedicated to mocking them. But there are more useful things that can be connected up. Here are some of our favorites from Mobile World Congress. Read More

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Big trouble down on the IoT farm

Farmers may not be getting all the benefits of the IoT technology they use -- or the data it generates. Are these issues a sign of things to come in other industries? Read More

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How to deal with networking IoT devices

The internet of things has such a wide range of use cases and individual devices that network architects have to pay attention to a wide combination of variables for communication, power, bandwidth, reliability, cost and more. Read More

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Tips for securing IoT on your network

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