Preparing for the Best of Times and the Worst of Times
Kevin Duffy and Chen Lin Return. Carl Löfberg of Firefox Gold visits for the first time.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” That famous quote from Charles Dickens best describes the view of Kevin who sees both enormous social upheaval and poverty but at the same time sees “the hockey stick of human prosperity.”

According to those views, we will ask Kevin how he is investing his funds’ resources. Chen, who is no stranger to bio technologies that can better the lives of humanity, will share his views on the market and Carl will talk about some very exciting high-grade gold exploration targets for Firefox in Finland.
Kevin Duffy is principal of Bearing Asset Management which he co-founded in 2002. The firm manages the Bearing Core Fund, a contrarian, macro-themed hedge fund with a flexible mandate.

Bearing gained notoriety during the Great Financial Crisis by betting against stocks like New Century Financial, Fannie Mae, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. Duffy wrote extensively on the housing and credit bubble identifying root causes of the bubble. A month later, he issued a warning in an op-ed for Barron’s titled “For Whom Do the Bells Toll.” The Bearing Credit Bubble Index was cited by Marc Faber in speeches and The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report.

Prior to Bearing, Duffy co-founded Lighthouse Capital Management and served as Director of Research from 1988 to 1999. He chronicled the excesses of the Japan and technology bubbles of the late 1980s and late 1990s respectively. The firm was later sold to Fisher Investments.

Duffy also publishes a bi-monthly investment letter called The Coffee Can Portfolio.
Carl Löfberg, CEO and Director of Firefox Gold Corp. has a Masters degree in Industrial Economics and broad experience in business consulting, project management, company start-ups and financing. As an economist and precious metals investor, he is an expert in hard currency and contrarian business strategy. Mr. Löfberg is a founding member of FinnAust Mining Plc, a JV company with Australian nickel miner Western Areas NL, which is now listed on the AIM-exchange in London. He has been Managing Director for Magnus Minerals since 2006.
Chen Lin had been a doctoral candidate in aeronautical engineering at Princeton. However, Chen found his investment strategies were so profitable that he put his Ph.D. on the back burner to devote full time to private investing and writing a newsletter titled “What is Chen Buying? What is Chen Selling?” Chen's track record has been phenomenal! In one account we tracked, in which he used no leverage, he was able to grow $5,411 starting in 2002 to over $2.2 million by the end of 2012. You can visit his website at
Jay Taylor
Taylor Hard Money Advisors, Inc