He signed more than a dozen critical Executive Orders on climate, pandemic response, immigration, racial equality, and more

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President Joe Biden wasted no time getting to work yesterday after he was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.

In the first few hours of his administration, President Biden took action to begin reversing the damage done by Trump, and put America back on a path to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic stronger than before. He signed more than a dozen critical Executive Orders on climate, pandemic response, immigration, racial equality, and more, including:

  • Coordinating the federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic and requiring masks to be worn on all federal property
  • Rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement
  • Stopping the Trump administration's efforts to leave the World Health Organization
  • Reinforcing protections in the Civil Rights Act to prohibit workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Extending federal eviction and foreclosure moratoriums
  • Pausing student loan payments on federal loans
  • Ending Trump's Muslim travel ban
  • Advancing racial equity and support for underserved communities
  • Revoking the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline
  • Strengthening DACA protections
  • Overturning Trump's order to exclude undocumented immigrants from the Census
  • Reversing many of Trump's environmental rollbacks

This is only a partial list of the Executive Orders and Actions President Biden signed yesterday — a list that we expect to grow today and in the days ahead!

We're ready, resolute, and determined to do everything in our power to support the Biden/Harris administration as we begin to forge a new chapter in our nation's history.

Add your name and show your support for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris' swift action to reverse the damage done by Trump and help America recover.

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Thank you,

— OR Dems




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Paid for by the Democratic Party of Oregon | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee | 232 NE 9th Ave, Portland OR 97232

Democratic Party of Oregon
232 NE 9th Ave.
Portland, OR 97232
United States