Tu Salud News Update
National Kidney Foundation Highlights Kidney Disease Prevention in New Video Series
The series highlights prevention, education and risk factors for chronic kidney disease in Latinos.
New CDC Data Show Adult Obesity Prevalence Remains High
More than one third of adults in nearly half of all states have obesity, with highest rates among Black, Latino and Native American people.
Despite Advances, Breast Cancer Remains the Number 1 Cancer Among Women
A leading expert at the University of Colorado Cancer Center talks about progress against breast cancer and ways to reduce the risk.
As Interest From Families Wanes, Pediatricians Scale Back on COVID Shots
Providers don’t want to waste money ordering doses that won’t be used, but they need enough on hand to vaccinate vulnerable children.
Healthy Recipe: Herby Tomato Soup
This flavorful soup couldn’t be any easier to whip together.
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