Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

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📝 Today's Rundown
  • Pristine Collateral: MacroStrategy, subsidiary of MicroStrategy, closed on a $205 million collateralized loan through Silvergate Bank, using bitcoin.
  • Mining Telegram Community: As bitcoin mining communities grow at record pace across all social platforms, Telegram proves that networking with bitcoin miners is easy.
  • Orange Pilling: Sharing Bitcoin with people can sometimes be difficult, so here are some tips on how to do so.


MacroStrategy Closes $205 Million Bitcoin-Collateralized Loan From Silvergate Bank To Buy BTC
By Shawn Amick

MacroStrategy, subsidiary of MicroStrategy a company well known for their bitcoin standard business model, has recently agreed to a $205 million bitcoin-collateralized loan purchased through Silvergate Exchange Network (SEN) Leverage program operated by Silvergate Bank.

According to the MicroStrategy's press release and the loan terms, its purpose is attributed to three main things:

  • Buy more bitcoin.
  • Pay fees & interests related.
  • General purposes determined by either MicroStrategy or MacroStrategy.

“The SEN Leverage loan gives us an opportunity to further our position as the leading public company investor in bitcoin” – Michael Saylor,

MicroStrategy, currently holds 125,051 bitcoin on their balance sheet, and has been leading the accumulation strategy since August 2020 by:

  • Buying bitcoin with company's reserves.
  • Buying bitcoin through the issuance of corporate bonds.
  • Buying bitcoin by using their bitcoin as collateral.
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A Guide To Bitcoin Mining Telegram Groups
By Zack Voell

Telegram is the platform of choice of the most active circles of hobbyist and professional miners. The application has become a place where miners share their knowledge and experience to fellow network guardians. The author of this article gives a brief overview of the most active and known mining groups in Telegram.

He describes independent mining groups, such as “Home Mining Wizards,” “Sustainable Bitcoin Mining” and “DriveChain Talk,” as well as groups managed by companies trying to create communities around their brands. They offer educational and informative discussion about hardware, mining pools and even immersion mining techniques and equipment.  

Connecting with other Bitcoin miners online is not that difficult and social media platforms like Telegram and Twitter are great tools to expand and share one’s knowledge.

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1. Climate activists and crypto billionaire Chris Larsen want to convince Bitcoin companies, miners and developers into changing Bitcoin’s consensus mechanism.

2. ZBD Streamer by ZEBEDEE fuels the creator economy by allowing users across all streaming platforms to tip streamers in bitcoin without incurring any fees.

3. An invitation to the Black & Latino Crypto Capitol Hill Rally. Make your voice heard by participating in a rally to get the nation’s decision-makers’ attention.

4. How a society built on Bitcoin may function and how merit will supersede politics as a mode of social organization.

5. A conversation about Bitcoin’s ecological footprint, why Bitcoin is such a big organism and the shift from individual to nation-state adoption.

6. We discuss the hawkish messaging of the Federal Reserve, the importance of a yield curve inversion and the possibility of an emerging food crisis.


Early To Bitcoin — How To More Effectively Orange-Pill You Friends And Family
By Scott Marmoll

Talking about Bitcoin to nocoiners can sometimes be difficult. Even though in doing so, we are only trying to save our friends and family from the inevitable crisis we are already submerged in.Sometimes, it can sound like we are trying to sell them something or involve them in some sort of scheme. 

This article is a great piece full of examples and recommendations for how to explain that separating money and state will likely be the most important development for freedom in the whole of human history and that relying on state-issued currencies means your purchasing power can vanish with the stroke of a pen.

This article will guide you so that, later on, you can help others understand that any dollar price for bitcoin is a good price and that one day the only way to acquire bitcoin will be by selling your goods or services in exchange for it.

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Live Update!
In this episode of Bitcoin Magazine LIVE:
  • An Interview with Stillmark founder and managing partner Alyse Killeen 
  • An episode of the Deep Dive with Dylan LeClair 
  • An episode of The Breakup with Nolan Bauerle
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By Relai

Being a Bitcoiner brings an indescribable pride. It might not be there from day one, but as you dive into the rabbit hole, become part of the DCA army and begin living life on a bitcoin standard, you suddenly realize that there is indeed no other alternative and that by stacking sats, we become part of something bigger than ourselves.

Stacking sats is also a way of voting for a better world, voting for freedom and self sovereignty.

With love,



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