This could be the most important company in the world…and almost no one has heard of it.
Now I know that’s a bold claim, but consider this: This company is behind the most advanced semiconductors in the world: The Economist calls it a monopoly on maybe the most integral technology in the universe, powering all aspects of the global economy. Every iPhone… Every smart device… Every self-driving car… Even supercomputers.
What’s more, companies looking to harness the power of AI need these chips: it’s already been said that they could be one of the sure winners in the AI arms race! And this one European company supplies a proprietary technology that constructs the circuitry of semiconductors. This advanced technology builds narrow and complex circuits on silicon, creating faster components that perform better than previous chips. And get this: the largest semiconductor manufacturers rely on this one company to help them create the most advanced chips imaginable.
Without it, all the advancements in artificial intelligence might not be possible. Which is why Motley Fool Stock Advisor has put together an entire research report on this incredible stock, PLUS a full breakdown on artificial intelligence and four other stocks we think are front and center of this arms race. And it’s free to you just for trying out Stock Advisor, The Motley Fool’s flagship investment service, which has seen returns of 887%* since inception, beating the S&P by four times!
As a bonus, we’re also including an extra report on the semiconductor revolution this company is ushering in, which includes an additional recommendation with the potential for big profits when this semiconductor breakthrough hits. To learn more about this and the revolutionary potential of artificial intelligence AND the semiconductor industry, all you need to do is access Motley Fool Stock Advisor, where these reports come free of charge with your subscription.