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Product Newsletter: Antioxidants, carotenoids
Microphyt explores microalgae for weight management, identifies side benefits
A microalgae extract produced by French biotech company Microphyt may not directly promote fat loss as hypothesized, but it could help overweight women with some of the pain points of exercise, according to a recently published study.... Read more
Sowing the seed: Start-up offers nutrition support for marginalized communities
Sow, a start-up that caters to the nutrition needs of Black, Asian and Arab women, launched last year in response to data revealing that certain demographics were affected by COVID-19 more harshly than others.... Read more
Flavonols may reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions: Study
Increasing evidence suggests that quercetin and other flavonols defend against all-cause mortality, including reducing cardiovascular risks, according to research published in Scientific Reports.... Read more
Botanical blend improves near visual acuity in the farsighted: Study
A blend of chokeberry, honeysuckle berry and bilberry extract improved near vision in people with age-related farsightedness, according to a team of Polish researchers.... Read more
Step into the colorful world of Care4U® botanicals
Robuvit® for Natural Energy and Mitochondrial Support
Redefining Cognitive Health with Neumentix™
Cambridge Commodities
Cambridge Commodities is the leading supplier of nutritional ingredients and product solutions to the sports nutrition, food & beverage, animal... more details
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