News, products, marketing and merchandising tips for the front end of community pharmacies
| Name game
Sometimes the words we use to name a sale can scare people away! -
Clearance, discontinued, or 75% off sale unintentionally can mean this is a leftovers or no one wanted these items sale. Instead try "Extreme savings!", "Remodeling Sale," "Happy Spring sale," or "Anniversary Sale." -
Rethink discount phrasing: Instead of 50% off, try "Buy one and get a 2nd one on us!" For 75% off, "Buy one get 2 more on us!" (Using a sign with a photo of the staff would be fun!) -
If applicable, consider price point offers: "Everything $5 Each" or "Everything $3 Each". A temporary dollar section can also be very appealing to shoppers. -
Limited-time deep discounts: Deep discounts should not last more than 20 days. After that, consider donating, recycling, or disposing of the product instead of boxing it up for another attempt.
| | Sale section no-no's
Wondering where to merchandise your discounted items? First here is where not to put them: -
Never ever on your best endcap! The best endcaps are reserved for full profit margin items! -
Never clump together in a box or a basket for people to dig through. -
Never on the bottom shelf or in a container that sits close to the floor. -
Never on the drop-off, pick-up or cash-out counters. -
Never mixed in with items not discounted.
| | The perfect spot
Now that you know where not to put your sale items, here are tips for where and how you can merchandise your discounted product: -
Determine your least productive endcap and save it an "Extreme Savings Center" with a large, eye-catching sign. -
Depending on how much product you have to clear out, you may want to use a 4ft wall section. Include a sign on the wall and perhaps one hanging from the ceiling, too. Ensure it's not in the best section of wall fixtures, though.
Remember merchandise that just won't sell is like a bad tenant promising to someday pay the rent. You wouldn't move that tenant to a better apartment! Hope this makes your sales strategy more effective and appealing!
| | Messaging in the middle
By now you should know that an end cap with a 30" by 48" banner can drive sales. Just think what a 36" to 48" by 54" section in the middle of an aisle could do! Use the space to place a photo and message promoting a profitable product or profit-generating service. Click here to see an example.
* More from WSL Strategic Retail *
| Pleasant shopping experience is a win for local!
DID YOU KNOW...shoppers think locally-owned stores have a more pleasant shopping experience than larger retail chains? According to a 2024 WSL Strategic Retail research study, 69% of shoppers agreed that locally-owned stores care about a pleasant shopping experience vs. only 48% for larger chains. This serves as a good reminder to think about small ways you can continue to deliver a pleasant shopping experience. Simple things like greeting every shopper, regularly dusting shelves lower to the floor that may attract more dust, or having seasonal décor helps demonstrate that you care about in-store experience. Click here for additional demographic detail on this insight.
* More from Hamacher Resource Group *
| Monthly Retailer Category Tips—Pain Relief and Weight Management & Nutritional Foods
Set aside time to update these two departments and incorporate cross-merchandising where space allows. Pain Relief is the number two category in community pharmacy based on unit sales and there are three new pain relief items you should add to you inventory today. Read more...
Front End Resources for NCPA Members
Being a member of NCPA means you have access to a treasure trove of helpful hints, tips, and resources to make your front end more profitable! Download One-Pager Tips on a variety of topics. The Overhaul of Fame galleries contain hundreds of photos to inspire you, from effective signs to successful end-caps and everything in between. Finally, you and your staff can access several staff training videos that will help you take an objective view of your store, both inside and out!
This wealth of knowledge is due to the fantastic photos, ideas, and suggestions we receive every day from NCPA members like you.
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