Create a trendy necklace by crossing strands of beads above your favorite mandala pendant. So simple, but so stylish!
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Bead stringing & More
Free Project: Mandala Pendant Necklace
Free Project
Mandala Pendant Necklace
Create a trendy necklace by crossing strands of beads above your favorite mandala pendant. So simple, but so stylish!
Quick and easy project →
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Let's try again with a few harder ones! Take this test to find out if you know your stuff; simply match the images with the correct term below, and then click the link below to check. Good luck!
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News and Views
New bead trends for 2017
Rough cut gemstones, saturated colors, botanicals and more will all be showing up in our local bead stores this year. Editor Julia Gerlach brings us her take on the new trends, straight from the Gem and Mineral Shows in Tucson, AZ. How will we choose?
A bit o'the Irish
Bead&Button magazine Associate Editor Diane Jolie brings us her take on traditional Irish jewelry, just in time for the wearin' of the green! Claddaghs, Celtic Knots and a bit of blarney →
Bead Dreams 2017 applications are due soon
Bead Dreams is our annual juried competition showcasing exceptional bead and jewelry artistry from around the world. The deadline is fast approaching, so click here to learn more about how you can enter — there are nine different categories! Submit your work today →
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Bead&Button Show
Learn new stringing techniques at the Bead&Button Show
Woven leather, undulating ribbon, bezeled chatons, beaded clasps. If any of those ideas make your beading heart race, then check out this selection of classes taught by Teri Lawson, Laura Andrews, Sue Neel and Becky Guzman. Come join them in Milwaukee this June!
Seats are filling up fast →
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