Cancer Health Treatment Update
Personalized Vaccine May Help Prevent Kidney Cancer Recurrence

None of the nine patients who received the vaccine after surgery experienced recurrence over three years.

Congressional Budget Cuts to Medicaid Would Harm Cancer Patients and Their Families
"Having comprehensive, affordable health insurance is a major determining factor in surviving cancer," says Lisa Lacasse of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.
How Hungry Fat Cells Could Someday Starve Cancer to Death

Scientists transformed energy-storing white fat cells into calorie-burning "beige" fat. Once implanted, they outcompeted tumors for resources, beating back five different types of cancer in lab experiments.

Blood Test Could Guide Use of Anti-Inflammatory Drug to Reduce Risk of Colon Cancer Recurrence

Those who were treated with celecoxib, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, experienced significantly improved disease-free survival.

How New Technology Can Enhance Patient Navigation and Equity in Cancer Care

Emerging technologies should supplement, not replace, personalized care, notes a report from the President’s Cancer Panel.

Cancer Health Winter 2025
Check out our latest print edition!
Cancer Conference Coverage

Reports from the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and more.

House Cats With Bird Flu Could Pose a Risk to Public Health

There’s a lack of research on whether cat biology makes them more susceptible to H5N1 than other mammals, including humans, pigs, or dogs.

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