If your boss alludes to the idea that you should seek employment elsewhere, it's best to take a step back and ask yourself if the job is really what you want, writes Jessica Thiefels. If your goal is to stay with the company, Thiefels advises meeting with your manager to discuss a way forward while also creating a plan to address the original issue.
Laid-back attire can lead to relaxed manners, productivity and morals, according to a study by research psychologist Jeffrey Magee. "With the proper goal in mind -- of aiming towards optimal productivity -- a good dress sense can enhance the work ethic, and consequently achieve maximum results," writes Ari Zoldan.
Enhance Your Marketability with a Penn State MBA Take your career to the next level. Penn State's online MBA incorporates a focus on business strategy, collaborative teamwork, strategic leadership, and more. Apply to one of the more competitively priced AACSB-accredited MBAs available online. Learn more.
Thinking about your LinkedIn profile as an online billboard can help you decide what LinkedIn will be for you, writes Liz Ryan. Your profile is a personal endeavor that tells recruiters not only how you see yourself professionally, but also how proficient you are with written English and how you address strangers.
Google is fighting the Labor Department's request for wage history, saying the request is unreasonable and too expensive to compile. The department is auditing government contractors to identify gender wage disparity, which department Pacific Regional Director Janette Wipper says is systemic at Google.
If you're stumped by a job interview question, reframing it by asking your own question could help jog your memory, writes Art Markman. Alternately, admitting you don't know the answer could make it easier to gauge whether the company is interested in helping their employees learn more and develop their talents.
Use a shot-glass-sized amount of sunscreen to protect your body and a nickel-sized amount for your face and neck for every two hours spent in the sun, writes Kerry Hanson. The Food and Drug Administration regulates the efficacy sunscreens can claim, and the standards have become increasingly strict over the years.