In search of the ‘Tomato King’: Finding a Mexican migrant politician, rooted in California soil • The California Legislature should make it easier to evict squatters
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Sunday, April 7, 2024

Proposition 28 funding, intended to supplement arts funding in schools, is being misused

In a triumph of hope over experience, this editorial board endorsed Proposition 28, the Arts and Music in Schools Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act, in 2022. We said the state’s 6 million public school students in grades K-12, about 60% of whom are from low-income families, “deserve to have an enriched education that might otherwise be available only to students whose parents can pay for private instruction in the arts.”

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In search of the ‘Tomato King’: Finding a Mexican migrant politician, rooted in California soil

In death, as in life, Bermúdez has imbued this corner of California with his legacy—one that stretches to Zacatecas, and beyond.

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The California Legislature should make it easier to evict squatters

It’s time for the Legislature to act before this relatively small problem becomes yet another example of California dysfunction.

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Claude Parrish: A response to Lucy Dunn’s critical commentary

I have never wavered in my commitment in helping all taxpayers.

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21st-Century Chinese ‘cabbage’ warfare

Reuters reported Beijing declared it was merely “standardizing” the localities’ names “in accordance with the relevant regulations on place name management of the State Council.”

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Julie Su prepares to forgive herself for Julie Su’s mistakes

Now serving as Joe Biden’s acting U.S. Secretary of Labor, Su is prepared to force U.S. taxpayers to pay off California’s loss of some $30 billion in federal COVID-relief funds.

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South Africa’s dangerous battle against Israel

South Africa is making itself an unwitting pawn in Hamas’ war against Israel, and it doesn’t seem like South Africa is willing to change course.

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Jon Coupal: ULA tax numbers expose economic ignorance

Conservative economists, including the late Milton Friedman, have always stated that if you want more of something, tax it less, and if you want less of something, tax it more.

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Black and Hispanic youths pay the biggest price for minimum wage hikes

The true cost of these policies can only be measured in the lives that are affected and the opportunities that are lost.

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Susan Shelley: Sacramento’s latest hit on election integrity


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