January 21, 2025
Cancer: Flush it out, Kill it off
The reports of this natural cancer-killing therapy and how it has stopped advanced cancers in their tracks are shocking...

It’s called a “Natural Cancer Flush” and it works by targeting a reason many folks get cancer in the first place…

And simply flushes it out. Then cancer starts dying off.

It’s painless, as simple as sipping water, and safe to do at home.

Watch this video and see the incredible stories for yourself.
Click here

Protect yourself against endocrine disruptors—TODAY
Fred Pescatore Dear Reality Health Check Reader,

Well, it’s a new year, yet we’re still grappling with the impact of endocrine disruptors (EDs) on human health. (No surprise there.)

EDs are chemicals in the environment that affect our endocrine system—and, like most chemicals, they’re found virtually everywhere.

But that doesn’t mean you should ignore them.

After all, EDs can have devastating consequences on our health. And the science shows they may contribute to everything from cancer to diabetes.

Let’s talk about it…

(Article continues below.)
Fall asleep faster!? Try THIS crazy technique
Want to fall asleep faster?

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  2. Then DO THIS.
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Thousands of dangerous chemicals

At the 40th congress of the French Society of Endocrinology, a lecture was led by Nicolas Chevalier, MD, PhD, professor of endocrinology at the University Hospital of Nice (in France).

He began by asking the audience to remember one ultra-specific number: 906.

Any guesses?

It’s the number of substances identified by the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety as confirmed or suspected endocrine disruptors.

(Truthfully, 906 is a gross underestimate. He mentioned the number is likely closer to 10,000!)

These include bisphenol A (BPA), parabens, phthalates, pesticides, lithium, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), brominated flame retardants, and more. (I’ve written about all of these chemicals over the years. You can search the archives on my website to learn more about them.)

And do you know the main source of human contamination?

Our very own food supply—to the tune of a disgusting 80 to 90 percent!

Follow these four steps, starting TODAY

You may be wondering how these chemicals trickle into our food supply. Well, there are many possibilities…

They may enter during harvesting (many crops are treated with pesticides, and most fatty fish contain heavy metals), production, or preservation.

Or they may enter through packaging. For instance, plastic bottles leach not only EDs, but also microplastics into our bodies.

Not to mention, these chemicals are ALSO found in our clothing (especially shoes), non-stick cookware, toys, cosmetic products, stain-repellents, upholstery, and more.

Here again, I’m left wondering why such a big threat seems to be continuously overlooked. Especially since EDs, particularly, have been implicated in the rising incidence of several cancers and infertility. They may even contribute to obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

Plus, it’s estimated that these chemicals have a half-life of at least 10 years, which means banning them won’t even stop them from persisting in our environment for up to 40 years! (That’s several more generations that will suffer!)

Tragically, the government has no incentive to make any changes. That’s why I urge you, as a consumer, to pressure companies.

You can do your part by following four simple steps:
  1. Eliminate plastic. Avoid anything packaged in plastic, especially food and drink. Use glass containers for food storage—and never reheat food in a plastic container.
  2. Throw away all non-stick and stain-repellant options. They release toxic fumes into your environment.
  3. Ditch the harsh cleaning products. White vinegar and baking soda work just fine.
  4. Invest in an air purifier. I have a large one for my home—and I take my nUVoTM Traveler along with me—even to work.

Until next time,
Dr. Fred
Dr. Fred


“Are Endocrine Disruptors Really a Threat to Health?” Medscape, 12/05/2024. (medscape.com/viewarticle/are-endocrine-disruptors-really-threat-health-2024a1000mf4)

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You’ve never seen THIS technique for pain

Can you guess what this strange technique for pain is?

It’s helped people with back pain, knee pain, and is even used by elite athletes, but most people have never heard of it, let alone tried it.

Think you know what it is? Go here to find out the answer instantly.

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