TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 3, 2017

Psychoanalyzing Donald Trump

By Michael Bader, DMH, AlterNet

Mental health professionals have a "duty to warn" people about the danger posed by Trump’s mental illness. READ MORE»

Trump Pulled Out of Paris Agreement Partially Because French President Macron Beat Him at Hand Wrestling

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The president is a sore loser, and the world is going to pay for it.  READ MORE»

March for Truth Organizers Have a Simple Demand: Investigate Trump

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

On June 3, protesters will march to demand Trump's Russia connections don't escape accountability. READ MORE»

Never Has a President Been Quite So Big. So Absolutely Monstrous. Or Quite So Small

By Tom Engelhardt, Tom Dispatch

He’s teaching us just how deeply disturbed our American world actually is, or he wouldn’t be where he is. READ MORE»

Open Warfare Breaks out Among Conservatives: March in Lockstep Behind Trump, or Show Some Infinitesimal Spine?

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Right-wing "thought leaders" face a quandary: Follow "our general" with no questions, or admit he's a disaster? READ MORE»

If You Eat These Popular Candies, You're Also Eating Insect Secretions

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

About 100,000 bugs are killed to produce a little over 1 pound of shellac flakes, a main ingredient in confectioner's glaze. READ MORE»

New Beef Ban Would Cause Massive Economic Damage in India and Send a Hateful Message to Its Muslims

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

More than 42 percent of the Indian population are Dalits, Muslims, Adivasis, Christians and Sikhs. None are put off by the consumption of meat. READ MORE»

VIDEO: What Happens When You're Drunk AND Stoned at the Same Time?

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

The guys at ASAP Science take on this burning question in an entertaining, science-based, three-minute video. Enjoy.  READ MORE»

Are We Overreacting to Trump's Withdrawal From Paris Agreement?

By Nives Dolsak, Aseem Prakash, The Conversation

Will this withdrawal derail global efforts toward climate mitigation? READ MORE»

Milwaukee Police Were Called to Remove a Mentally Ill Man Sleeping in a Public Park: A New Documentary Asks Why He Was Killed Instead

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"The Blood Is at the Doorstep" tells a shocking tale of police brutality and a family's struggle years since. READ MORE»

A Trump Rollback of Cuba Polices Would Cost Billions

By Harriet Sinclair, Newsweek

Trump's hard stance with Cuba could threaten jobs. READ MORE»

Underfunded Oklahoma Schools Shortened School Week Is Tip of Nationwide Education Fund Shortfall

By Jeff Bryant, Education Opportunity Network

Years of fiscal backsliding has reduced local school budgets to skin and bones. READ MORE»

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