A Message from DTI TradingPub Publisher Nate Tucci recently sat down with Chris Pulver to learn about the $100 Challenge. Chris walked him through the trade on a private Zoom call… And he was very clear… This wasn’t a “get rich quick” penny stock scheme… Or an AI stock picker that “cracked the code” of the stock market… It was just a simple, daily trade that anyone could set up at about 9:40 in the morning to target $100 a day or more (starting with just $1,000)... Nate followed Chris’s “copy and paste” method, and look what happened next… * Based on a $1700 starting stake Now, neither Chris or Nate can promise future returns or against losses… But they’re getting together in just a few moments to show you how this trade is done. Sign up here to save your seat and learn more By clicking the link above you agree to periodic updates from ProsperityPub and its partners (privacy policy) |