1Password news & updates

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re having a good 2021 so far. 🙏

Typically I don’t set New Year resolutions but this year felt different. My son and I enjoy working out together and we are looking forward to our gym reopening. Jack chose some exercises to prepare us, and in the process I signed up for a “front lever” before I knew what it was. 😂

We should all be pumping up our online security this year as well so I’m going to share some resolutions to help strengthen yours. Don’t worry, these will be much easier than the pull-ups and push-ups Jack has me doing. 😅

Strengthen your passwords️ 🏋️‍

The most important thing you can do for your security is to use different passwords on every website.

I had the bad habit of using the same password before 1Password existed. Every once in a while I find my old password in a published data leak. Seeing my leaked password is still terrifying as I had used it on so many different sites. Anyone could have accessed my accounts where this password was used. 😱

Thankfully I use 1Password now and create unique passwords for every website. Along with Watchtower it’s easy to quickly find and change all reused passwords.

Use Watchtower to find passwords you need to change

Strengthen your team’s passwords 🏋️‍

Watchtower allows you to find your vulnerable passwords which is a great first step, but in a company environment it’s important that everyone on the team is protected.

With domain breach reports you or your admin can create a report to see if anyone within your company has been caught in a data breach.

Create a domain breach report for your company

Domain breach reports are included with 1Password Business and 1Password Teams. Best of all these reports can even help those who are not yet using 1Password.

Lift your game by generating answers to security questions 🤸

Websites that require security questions in addition to your username and password will often ask “security” questions, such as your mother’s maiden name or which school you attended. These answers are often easily found online.

These questions are often used by customer support representatives to verify your identity when resetting your account password so it’s important to provide an answer that cannot be guessed.

Luckily, there’s no need to provide the correct answer. Instead, generate an answer using our password generator. What I like to do is to use the Memorable Password option so I’m able to read the answer to customer support on the phone when they ask for it.

Make security a family activity 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

And while we’re talking about moms and maiden names, we often need to securely share secrets with our parents and the rest of our family.

My mom and my mother-in-law are part of our 1Password Families account already. Jack and Abby are also onboard which makes signing up for new games much easier and allows me to help them when needed.

The last person on my list is my dad. I’ve been working on him for a while now but he is still holding out, preferring the pad and paper he carries in his pocket. I’ve been trying for years to move him over and while I doubt I’ll convince him this year, it gives me a great resolution to shoot for next year. Security is a process and Rome wasn’t built in a day. 🙂 Just like doing a front lever won’t happen for me overnight. 😂

As much as I’m looking forward to enjoying 2021 with our improved security and returning to the gym, I think it’s important to remember that there was some good that happened in 2020 as well.

There were some incredible bright spots like 1Password being able to donate $234,000 to charities throughout the year. Earlier in the year we gave to organizations that supported Black Lives Matter. Then over the holidays we were able to make sure more families had food on their table. And thanks to our extended family signup special we were able to write additional checks to Ducks Unlimited Canada and Kids Help Phone. 🎉

I’m looking forward to continue supporting amazing causes like these and many others throughout 2021.

Stay safe out there, and please let me know if there’s anything we can help with. Oh, and wish me luck on keeping up with Jack in the gym. 😘

Dave Teare, Founder of 1Password

P.S. You may be wondering what a front lever is and it turns out Jack and I didn’t know either! 😂 Jack initially described it as an L-sit and I thought it would be easy enough.

Later on when I searched for training videos I learned it was something much much more difficult. But, we were already committed so we stuck to it. 🙂


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