TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 26, 2017

Editorial: Google's Threat to Democracy Continues to Hit AlterNet Hard, But We Are Pushing Back

By Don Hazen, AlterNet

To fight the Goliath Google, we need a very good slingshot. READ MORE»

Toxic Masculinity Is Killing Us in Many Ways

By Amanda Marcotte, AlterNet

Part of the lethal toxic mix is how the gun industry and the NRA have cultivated a culture of gun-powered macho power fantasies. READ MORE»

9 Big Questions About the JFK Files Trump Is Supposed to Release

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Mainstream news organizations say there’s nothing new in the assassination files. Don’t believe it. READ MORE»

As Senator Flake Goes Down in Flames, White Nationalism Is Infecting Major Segments of the Body Politic

By Adele M. Stan, The American Prospect

Steve Bannon and the white nationalism virus are a threat to our democracy. READ MORE»

Behold Perhaps the Single Most Depressing Poll of Trump's Presidency

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

New data indicate a majority of Democrats now hold a favorable view of George W. Bush. READ MORE»

Watch This GOP Congressman Declare CNN 'Fake News' and Flee His Interviewer

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

He escaped via stairwell. READ MORE»

'Game Change' Co-Author Mark Halperin Accused of Sexual Harassment by 5 Women

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The media veteran reportedly engaged in unwanted kissing and groping, among other offenses. READ MORE»

Women Paying for 'Happy Endings' Is an Established Practice in New York

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

Some women in the Big Apple are turning to erotic massage to find their long-lost orgasms. READ MORE»

Trump Brags He's 'Proud' of Undermining Faith in Free Press During Fox Business Interview

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

As usual, he's not telling the whole truth. READ MORE»

Federal Govt. Report Says Global Warming Is Costing Taxpayers Billions: Here's How to Fix It

By Ronnie Cummins, AlterNet

Even if we achieved zero emissions tomorrow, we’re still in big trouble—but there is a solution. READ MORE»

Even After Vegas, the NRA Keeps Moving Forward—Now It Tries to Provoke a New Destructive Culture War

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Post-Las Vegas, bump-stock regulation is dead and spokeswoman Dana Loesch has pushed culture-war rhetoric to a new low. READ MORE»

Let's Hope the Democrats Are Not Stupid Enough to Keep Embracing Wall Street

By Les Leopold, AlterNet

Corporate Democrat pollster has all the wrong ideas. READ MORE»

How America's Charismatic Christianity Helped Fuel the Fantasyland Presidency of Donald Trump

By Eric C. Miller, Religion Dispatches

They love Trump's unique willingness to embrace claims that are demonstrably untrue. READ MORE»

The U.S. Is Shamelessly Silent as Iraq Crushed Our Allies, the Kurds

By David L. Phillips, The Huffington Post

With Turkey and Iran pushing them hard, Iraq's leaders move on the Kurds, and there is only silence from the U.S. READ MORE»

Republican Embrace of Roy Moore Reveals Moral Rot at the GOP's Core

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

Jeff Flake and Bob Corker are quitting the circus, but most prominent Republicans are OK with a right-wing theocrat. READ MORE»

Conservative Nails Why Trump Fears the Russia Dossier—and Why It's 'Ultimately Irrelevant' Who Paid for It

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

“Christopher Steele was a well-regarded British spy; the idea that it’s all fake is classic Trump disassembly.”  READ MORE»

Trump Judicial Nominee Compared Obama Era to Nazi Germany

By Max Kutner, Newsweek

CNN unearthed Jeff Mateer's in audio from 2013 and 2014. READ MORE»

Guess What Extreme Weather Fears Keep Americans Up at Night—It's Probably Not What You Think

By Katie Forsythe, AlterNet

Hurricanes don't even make the top five. READ MORE»

Study: CNN's Paid Trump Shills Made More Than 500 Appearances Over the Last Three Months

By Matt Gertz, Media Matters

The network is making a big show of its commitment to facts while paying Trump apologists to lie. READ MORE»

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