Fat Tail Daily

Dear Reader,

2024 is going to have some ‘issues’.

(And that’s an understatement…)

But we believe none is more pressing than the subject of Fat Tail Investment Research’s latest book.

We’re not book publishers.

But in this case, we’re making an exception… 

This short tome…part research deep dive, part investment instruction guide…lays out a thoughtful and evidence-based case.

That case being: reaching net zero carbon emissions globally by 2050 is likely impossible.

It almost certainly won’t happen.

Attempts to railroad it through could damage economies, industries, and unprepared investment portfolios.


With a few controversial but relatively simple moves you can put yourself on the right side of the biggest ‘wrong trade’ in modern history.

I highly recommend giving Not Zero a read, if you haven’t claimed your copy already.

While you may not agree with all its conclusions, the book will undoubtedly challenge you to think differently about the complex issue of climate change.

Overzealous commitments to net zero that yield minimal real-world impacts are potentially a really big danger to your wealth.

Our new book is NOT anti-climate change.

You won’t be betraying the environment by reading it.

What it does, though, is shake up current orthodoxy on climate POLICY.

Backs it up with facts.

Proposes ideas to achieve environmental goals without unnecessary economic sacrifice.

And gives you a few rather intriguing investment ideas based on this thesis.

Whether you end up agreeing or disagreeing with the thesis itself…you will look at climate policy debates through a different lens after reading this book.

To claim your copy, click here…


James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, Fat Tail Investment Research

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