Create a killer offer, turn readers into customers, and how to choose the best lead magnet
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Every week, I get dozens of questions from clients about how to improve their marketing and lead generation.

So today I thought I’d share some of my recent answers that can help take your business to the next level…


Q: “What’s the best lead magnet to create?”


My Answer:

Put yourself in the client's shoes.

What do they want?

They want a problem solved fast.

Would they want a 5-day video series? Probably not. Takes too long to get the answer.

Also, because all you REALLY want here is to get the lead’s email...

It’s probably best to focus on creating a killer headline, some quick (but excellent) content, and a short PDF and a short video to go with it (for those that prefer video).

Make a promise in the copy. Keep a promise in the content.

^^ This is super important.

If you do it right, now they KLT you (know like trust). 

From there, you can work on getting them to K-LOVE-T you and buy from you.


Q: “Craig, what are some ways I can use my book to get customers?”


My Answer:

Here’s a top 10 list from a ‘Ballantyne Brainstorm Session’... (just add caffeine, lol)

1. Give copies to all current customers and ask them for the address of someone else to send a copy to as a gift from you and them

2. Offer "free zoom" trainings to organizations if they buy a copy of the book for every attendee

3. Get organizations to buy copies in bulk 

4. Target 100 potential clients and send a copy of the book + a personalized letter

5. Offer free chapter(s), free e-book, or audiobook or free book summary as a lead generation tool

6. Offer "missing chapter/videos" as free lead generation

7. Use for giveaways on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook to boost engagement and open the door for sales conversations

8. Do a 2-for-1 sale (both of your books for price of 1)

9. Send a copy of your book to reviewers like 1-800-ceo-read

10. Pay thought leaders $500 to promote your book to their email list


Q: How do you create a killer offer?


Answer I shared from my friend Justin Goff:

1. People want to get out of hell more than they want to go to heaven

2. Make the product as simple as possible

3. People want the ONE thing the QUICK fix

4. Be able to concisely say what it is you’re selling in 30 seconds or less

^^ To apply Justin’s four steps…

An example offer to someone worried about divorce might look like this:

Want to fix your relationship? Just say a couple of THESE key phrases daily to start naturally repairing any relationship!



Consistently following these strategies has led to phenomenal results from my marketing...

And helped me build multiple 7-figure businesses with MORE profit and LESS stress.

I hope they work as well for you as they have for me.

Success Loves Speed,



PS - If you’re ready to 2X your income (or more) while working 10 less hours per week...

... Just REPLY to this email with the words “2X 10 LESS” and we'll set up a time to chat with you to find out if we can help.