What you need to know today.
| | October 12, 2016 Fourth-Quarter Forecast 2016 If the study of geopolitics focuses on the structural forces shaping the international system, then domestic elections only rarely matter. Leaders tend to bend to their environment, not the other way around. And yet in the final months of 2016 the United States, still the world's only superpower, will choose a president in an election that will shape U.S. foreign policy more than usual. (subscribers only) Sign up for a 1-week trial subscription to Stratfor. ENERGY Chad Strong-Arms Another Oil Company As a small producer that depends on oil for 60 percent of its government revenue, Chad has aggressively tried to increase its share of profits from the oil it produces. The strategy for doing so is more about fines than finesse. SECURITY Tracking Egypt's Ambitious New Militant Group A budding Egyptian militant group known as the Hasam Movement appears to be getting bolder in its choice of targets and tactics. FINANCE & ECONOMICS Japan's Central Bank Writes Tokyo a Blank Check Official announcements often have hidden meanings. So it was with the Bank of Japan's Sept. 21 press release, which contained what may be the biggest economic development Japan has seen since the 1985 Plaza Accord. STRATFOR TALKS Challenges Facing the Next U.S. President There's only one more U.S. presidential debate between now and the November election; make sure to listen to the latest Stratfor podcast episode, which explores the challenges the next president will face, regardless of who wins next month. Share this newsletter with friends, family and colleagues by forwarding this email. They can sign up here. |
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