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Latest on Microsoft

Microsoft releases quality improvement builds for Anniversary and Creators versions of Windows 10

Still running Windows 10 version 1607 or 1703? Microsoft has released new builds for both, but you'll need to install them manually.

More TechRepublic stories

Microsoft '4K+' Surface Hub 2 could power next-gen cloud collaboration, boost meetings

Office 2016 for Mac users get Google Calendar access for more scheduling options

How to resolve network problems caused by the Windows 10 April 2018 update

10 best practices to keep your IT project under budget

LinkedIn internal AI Academy could be model for firms plagued by tech talent shortage

Cloud services dominate business strategy, making the SLA vital for success

Featured download

How to manage IT during mergers and acquisitions (free PDF)

When your business is changing directions but the strategy is still up in the air, IT can be left in a lurch. This ebook looks at some of the ways to keep everyone productive while dealing with uncertainty.

More from ZDNet

What is Microsoft 365? Microsoft's most important subscription bundle, explained

Microsoft to launch smaller, low-cost Surface devices

Windows 10 tip: How to enable Hyper-V and create virtual machines

Microsoft moves toward consolidating its many speech services

Multimedia spotlight

Windows with an open-source core: Check out ReactOS

Today's recommended downloads

Principled Technologies big data workloads challenge: AWS vs IBM Cloud


Featured survey

Do you use technologies like automated ordering kiosks and mobile payment apps? How much information are you willing to give up in exchange for discounts or rewards? Take this quick survey from sister site Tech Pro Research and get a free copy of the research report.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Sensor'd enterprise: IoT, ML, and big data

The internet of things embeds intelligence into business processes to let us measure and manage the enterprise in ways that were never possible before.

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